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I am looking for some information from any males on here that have had kidney stones. While I was at work today I got this sensation that felt like someone had just kicked me in the testicles. Well, my right testicle actually. The pain kind of moved from there to my lower right abdomen area, that same area that hurts when you actually get hit in the balls. My boss told me about his experience with kidney stones and said my symptoms sounded similar to his when he had them. On a 1-10 scale I'd say the pain is around a six or so. Granted, I know that none of you are doctors and I'm not looking for an official diagnosis. I just wanted to hear about other peoples' kidney stones. Thanks.

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What are the symptoms?

Kidney stones often do not cause any symptoms. Usually, the first symptom of a kidney stone is extreme pain, which occurs when a stone acutely blocks the flow of urine. The pain often begins suddenly when a stone moves in the urinary tract, causing irritation or blockage. Typically, a person feels a sharp, cramping pain in the back and side in the area of the kidney or in the lower abdomen. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. Later, pain may spread to the groin.


It really indeed sounds like you have kidney stones, definitly see a doctor and the professional medical experts that the doc will send you to.


My uncle had them too, they used this ultra wave kind of thing, where you have to sit in a bath and they get shizzled. I gues thats a good way of treating them, because it was cured afterwards, he had them 16 years before too, its hopefully a rare occasion that a person will experience this, it is said to be one of the most horrible pains that a person has ever experienced in their lives. Hopefully yours will get removed quickly to releave you.

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I've had kidney stones since 1999. The doctor told me that I had 7 small stones and one he described as a boulder. Needless to say I think I pasted three stones in 1999, then 1 stone in 2002, and 1 stone this year. The first four stones passed within a week and the range of pain was 1 to 10. They hurt like hell. I'd never wish them on my worst enemy. The one I had back in 2002 was different. It didn't seem like it was a kidney stone. I went 5 days without taking any pain medication or going to the hospital. It's kind of hard when you don't make a whole lot of money and don't have insurance. Needless to say I did finally pass that one a few days after caving and taking myself to the emergency room.


By far the worst one was the one that I past this year. It started two weeks before xmas 2005. Yes that's right 2005. I had no insurance and only a little bit of pain medication left from the last time I had a stone. Maybe enough to last a week at most. I knew right away what it was and was expecting it to pass within a week. It didn't. Two weeks later it still had not passed. A month later and still nothing, but then the pain was gone, just disappeared. Then a month later it came back, then it stopped again. Another month later it was back. Another month and the pain came back and then again.


I was at the point where I had to do something, but in the 5 months that I had been in pain. I was only in pain for maybe a total of 7 to 14 days the rest I was pain free. I managed to make the pain medication last for 5 months and still have enough left over for one more day. I basically caved and was ready to accept the fact that I was going to have to have surgery to remove the stone. Let's face it, it was stuck and not going anywhere.


I did some researched and found out that it would cost about $8,000 to $10,000 to remove the stone. I had no idea what to do and was deeply depressed. This was going to crush me finacially. I figured screw it I'll just be paying off the bill for the rest of my life and even after I'm dead and buried. I planned on calling to make an appointment about what my options were. I was tired of the pain when I went to the bathroom. Which had not started until two weeks earlier.


The night before I was going to make the appointment I started to feel the pain again and it was starting to get really bad. I tried drinking fluids, but I knew it wasn't going to do anything. Three hours later i had to go really bad. I went to the bathroom and as i was going I saw something dark go flying into the toilet. I was in shock. I could not believe it. I ran around my apartment trying to find something to dig it out to see if in fact it was a stone. I found something rinsed it off and was in disbelief. The **** finally passed. I even measured the sucker and was shocked to see that it was around 5mm, which from my research I had a 50% chance of passing, 80% to 90% I believe of stones pass on their own.


I hope that this was the boulder the doctor informed me about years ago and I can only hope that the next one will pass much quicker. I'm just glad that I avoided those huge medical bills and I know I risked my life by not going sooner, but emotionally I was drained and just didn't really care anymore and I always hoped that when the pain came back from that one stone that this time it would pass. It only took 5 months, but the stone did pass and now I'm back to my normal self again, until the next stone rears it's ugly head.

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It just could be in hernia.

Check to see if anything protrudes inside your scrotum from your abdomen. Do the turn you head and cough thing. If something jumps when you cough it's a possibility.


I had a hernia repaired a while back, and it was a breeze.

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Yeah in thinking about it, it could be hernia. I have one of those too and of course I can't afford surgery so I just have to live with it for now. For me the pain is centered around the lower abdomen and goes all the way down to my groin. There is a noticible bump there too. If it is a kidney stone though I think you'd probably feel pain near your lower back where your kidney would be and eventually that pain would be felt from there all the way to your groin.

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The pain last night got continually worse. My testicle started to feel ok but then my lower abdamon started throbbing even worse. It seemed to get better if I stayed still and didin't move much. The pain almost made me go to the hospital but not quite. I hate hospitals with a passion. Anyway, I woke up today feeling fine so I guess I'll just wait and see if it comes back. Thanks for the comments.

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Another thing is with kidney stones at least for me is that when I have the pain it's starts out pretty low on the scale and then intensifies to an 8 or 9 and then drops back to a 1 or 2. If it is a kidney stone drink plenty of water. Other fluids help, but water is always best and I believe you should avoid alcohol. It doesn't help to push the stone out as well as water does, but from the sounds of it I'm not sure if it's a kidney stone or not. Have you tried going to webmd. It might be a good site to go to and check your symptoms out.

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