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You know what? I could try and say what I've said over and over again and none of you people would try and see it from my perspective. Because of that I'm taking my business elsewhere and I have no desire to be a part of the ENA community any longer.


People, avman and I have both tried to keep the conversation on topic. This also means that we should refrain from bashing other people's opinions. Miserableme explained what she meant- I explained what I think she meant- let's just leave it like that and respect each other's opinions. To avoid this kind of debates in topics, it's useful to re-read what you write and see if there are not too many generalizations that you do not intend to be there.



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Well for once, this has nothing to do with me lol.


My point was that I said it's a natural part of sex, IMO. Of course, someone has to challenge that by telling me it's not and to try it myself. This was after I brought up the gay male argument. If anal is not natural, then by that logic, all sex they have is unnatural as well.


Seems to me the topic is anal sex. I spoke about the topic and miserableme (I think that is the name) came on here to challenge it and that is where it went off track. Throwing and fit and proclaiming that they are leaving doesn't seem like someone I would continue debating with anyway.


But again, that is my opinion. I think anal is as natural a part of sex as lets say a 69 position. Not something done all the time but once in a while, it's nice. As long as it's done slow and made comfortable. Having her be in pain isn't my intention lol.

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