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help! i can't stand bad premonitions

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some minutes ago i got an sms from my bf. it's says it's extremely busy at work and he's about to finish but he have to give a ride to his colleague to the capital city cause his friend's car broke down. that time there was 1:20 a.m.

i dont know but i dont believe him. why he is willing to bring a colleague with his car going so far? and he many times said he doesnt have many friends at his work place.


please i need some opinions, i'm getting bad feelings again it's normal or i'm being to much weak to not trust what he says?

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Hi audrey


Don't be sad... If I were you, I would choose the simplest way - to believe him.


I have the bad habit of imagining bad things too. But somehow this would led to arguments and the worst he would think that you don't place trust on him. That would sour the relationship between you.

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Yeah, I agree:


Don't suppose things, you don't know what's going on. *Rollseyes* Ugh, I have gotten into MORE arguments over that.


Think of it this way: You don't know for sure if he's cheating on you (I doubt it from your other posts on here), but even if he was, what could you possibly do at THIS moment? Break up with him NOW??


...we both know that just doesn't make sense.


So hold out, hold on. Lol I made an awesome CD on the topic, speaking of which. Sorry, that's another story.


Honestly sweets, I'll be thinkin' of you, I think it'll be fine. Trust him, it's one of the three keys!



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thanks my friends for your nice words, i get courage from them


it's very hard lately to keep trusting. one hour ago he called me and we talked about yesterday. i explained to him the problem isnt that he has to do something else so we can't talk. the real one is that when that happens and i doing a big effort to call him(it's very expensive 1.50 per minute and cause he lets the voice mail even i didnt talk for that while, its already gone he never anwsers so i get the impression he doesnt want to be bothered by me so he set his cellphone on mute or with the buzzer


this is very frustating. i also told him that i'm not happy this way and that he seems to not care at all and that's too much for me. its not enough with the sadness to not have him close but also to make me think he's not honest and respectful to our relationship. it's more than i can effort

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