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an acquaintance lashed out at me... what do I do?

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Please don't contact. You don't need to. Irrational people are irrational people, or at least her rationality is so far removed from yours that you can't just 'break though' with one well-worded email. If she was going to see reason as you see it wouldn't the many other explanations have sunk in just a tad? By reacting to this you are fuelling it. People with traits like K do not just say 'oh yeah, she's right, how could I have missed that, jeez I'm sorry'. Not if they felt outraged enough to ignore everything to this point and even send nasty letters/emails.


Yes it's unfair that you can have your name and good intentions maligned but these things happen to the best of people. It is not a reflection on you, like I said above I bet everyone knows she's a bit mad.


Also, just in case she is a crazy legal case type keep her emails and do not correspond. Correspondence can be twisted 1000 ways.

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Just my two cents worth ... but maybe your husband should stop corresponding with C as well? I know you said they're really close friends (and I know it's not good to get too paranoid about these things) BUT wouldn't what your husband said get back to her??


I don't know if you care if she knows or not, though ...

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o.k. I would expect him to stand by my side and to make this contact diminish. But that's just me.

Or at least seeing him rarely alone.

There is a difference if your gf don't get along, but if you're married - well...


Sorry ellie 2006 I got your post wrong.


Oh no, Syrix! I agree with what you said!


I was just wondering, though, if the OP's husband is really good friends w/ that woman's husband and get along with him well, in general, maybe they can retain the friendship in spite of this incident??


The wife seems to be making it impossible, though ...

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You know, I read your whole story, and I'm very sorry to hear that she flipped on you. You handled it exceedingly well.


But I'm afraid that I can relate to K. I'm a senior in highschool, so I'm quite a bit younger than her, but I've flipped on acquaintances at my school. One time, the worst of the times I think I flipped on this girl who I've had a crush on since our freshman year, when I met her. She made a really rude and b****y to me, and I just exploaded, saying F-U. Another time, I through a book at another acquaintance of mine, this time (thank God) a guy. He called me a name and I just looked at him for a couple of seconds and threw it.


What I'm getting at is that maby K has the same problem as me? An anger-management issue? Also, these two people who I've flipped on, I really didn't mean to. I felt absolutely awfull and completely immatue and more importantly, I felt scared of myself. Its a horrible feeling when you loose controll of your anger... absolutely terrible. You feel guilty as heck, you feel embarrased, you feel ashamed. And you feel afraid of yourself, because you feel like you can't controll your anger.


Maby K lost controll, and maby you were just the unlucky skapegoat she needed to vent her anger on? Maby after last night, she now feels horrible. Just a guess.

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Thanks again everyone for the continued support. I told my husband that he is welcome to try and salvage a relationship with his friend, C. (Even though it was not my preference.) But he solidly said that he doesn't want to be friends with someone who is going to be so easily manipulated by his wife into believing that I am this horrible person. As long as C thinks I'm a malicious, uncompassionate person, my husband doesn't want to have anything to do with him. That made me feel good.


One more update, C emailed my husband today and said he wants to talk on the phone and try and work things out. He admitted that he may have misinterpreted the events. Perhaps there's hope for him yet?

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