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Please advice on a legal situation!

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This has been bothering me thanks for your views.


I dated a man who was 27 and I was 16. One night he hit me and I called the police. He has gotten me drunk, high and taken advantage of me when I was not sober. Now tha night I called the police he had naked pictures of me ( when I was 13 years old) he showed them, to inciminate another person and in order to get out of trouble himself. thereforeeee, he is already on the police files. He is now threating me saying his friends are going to hurt me( they know where I live and what car I drive). My mother called the investigator we previously had. SHe told my mother the case would be thrown out of court because We dated. SO what is legal now? A grown man at 27 can seduce and abuse a 16 year old and will get out of any legall situation because He Dated her??. Please, anyone that might be able to help me out with this one or jsut some advice. It sounds corrupt to me? What Do I know I'm still only 17 and lack much experience.](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

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That is absolutely untrue information your mother was told.


It is not thrown out as abuse or assault because you dated him.


I too, was very unsatisfied with the police investigator/detective I was assigned to when I was raped, as he kept discouraging me to go to court, so I called the district attorney (DA).


Please call the DA instead and explain your case.


Please check this link for the judicial districts in your state of Florida:

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and check this out about the Victim Witness Unit:

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You have every right to be protected by the law and not harmed and this man deserves to receive some sort of legal action for what he did to you.


I am sorry you had to go through that.


Hugs, Rose

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Whoa, I just read:

And called one of his jobs and told them he smokes weed(which he does).


Hun, as much as you are mad at him for the break-up and your belief that he may have found another, being vindictive by telling his work that is only going to hurt you if you decide to file charges of abuse.


Taking stabs at each other or trying to slander the other person's name at parties, at work, will not reflect well.


Please be cautious in the measures you choose to follow, as you want to protect yourself, and inflaming him puts you under danger, whether it be physically or emotionally.


Hugs, Rose

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Every state's laws are different and the legislature can define crimes and excuses to get out of them as they choose. Probably your biggest hurdle is that you have to have direct evidence of something illegal taking place. If you dont have evidence then it just becomes a case of he said, she said. I would go to the police about the threats and pursue that especially put the police on notice incase he or his friends try something that way you have a record of it and that way you can pursue your legal options.

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While it's not acceptable for a person to abuse another person, at 16 you were old enough to know better than to get involved with someone so much older than you. Don't try and pretend you were an innocent victim. You chose to date him. You chose to accept alcohol and other drugs from him. You have a mind of your own. You are a teenager, not a child.


BTW, why did he have naked pictures of you when you were 13?

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Although she chose to date him, she also did not ask him to abuse her, so she is indeed an innocent victim.


No person, man or woman, has the right to lift their hand to strike another or take advantage of them sexually.


No matter the gender or background of the individual, the abuse alone is unwarranted and needs to be dealt with in an appropriate manner through the legal system.

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