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VERY LONG. . . may be boring!!


If anyone has read my previous posts you know that after a 4 year relationship my ex broke up with me in a fight over the phone. Swore at me and hung up and almost 2 months later he has never spoken to me again. I was having such a hard time b/c of the why, what happened, does he miss me questions. I no longer have those. I was out at a bar Saturday and ran into to some of his friends. His friends started texting him and sending him pictures of me and I got an email saying "Don't hang out with my friends". So I immediately calling him yelling b/c I had one too many cocktails. Little did I know he had me on speaker phone in front of a bunch of mutual friends. Yes. . I looked like a complete fool! So I woke up at 8 am yesterday and decided that I had enough!! I drove an hour and 1/2 to his house and let him have it. He was trying to play Mr. Nice guy and even tried to make some sexual advances to which I was not giving in. He pretty much told me that he didn't love me and hadn't in a long time. That I was the reason for the entire break up and blah blah blah. We talked for an hour and 1/2 and I left without really caring much. Yes, I shed a few tears but I walked out of their with my head held high. He tried to hug me when I left and I said "Don't touch me". . . and left with a smile that I finally got all of it off of my chest and heard the answers that I needed to here. He just doesn't care for me and never loved me. That was enough for me. About 2 hours later I got a phone call from him screaming at the top of his lungs that I was nothing but a psycho and if I ever called, emailed, text or stopped at his house again he would file harassment charges against me. Now mind you. . . I have let him get away with leaving me like this for long enough. I do not regret going over there b/c I needed it to heal. HE is the one that called me. . needless to say. . . I spent 45 minutes on the phone listening to him tell me that I was a psycho and all of his friends and family hate me. That nothing I ever did for him mattered to him b/c he didn't love me so why would he care. He said that he hates me and wouldn't want to speak to me if I was the last human on Earth. He said that I disgust him and that I need to find someone to marry so that I never think of him again and I can live happily ever after. He said he has been so happy ever since the day we broke up bc he does not have to deal with me ever again and he can finally be the person he wants to be such as making comments about other girls bodies. . b/c that is just the person he is. He told me that he has already slept with 2 people since we have been broken up and maybe that is what I need to do to get over him. He said for me to still have feelings for him 6 weeks after the break up is like fatal attraction. So. . . . needless to say. . . I GOT CLOSURE. I am done. I have never been hurt, used, crushed, or even talked to like that by anyone in my life. But I am soooo happy about it. It couldn't have been a better conversation. He made me realize what I would have been with had we stayed together. What have I been not eating or sleeping for. I am shedding tears, miserable and unable to move on with my life b/c of this???? It is almost funny to me. 4 and 1/2 years of my life. . . . This is the person who I would have died for if he needed it??? What a joke. I have my closure now. Don't need anymore. I finally got all of the answers I ever needed. It is done and I made a promise to myself to NEVER LOOK BACK. I sent an email to his sister this morning and all of our mutual friends telling them that I don't want anything to do with this situation again. They can have him as a friend. I decided as soon as I woke up this morning that this is MY LIFE and nobody is going to make me miserable like that again. I am re-taking control. There is no need for me to waste on more moment hanging on to someone like that!!!! Thank God for closure talks!!!!

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