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Crazy night. She stayed a while

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So I met this girl at work (My kind of work you don't work with the same people often, you go to different places and work with different people constantly). She and I definitely flirted. It was all that cheesey flirting that you can think about. Anywho, so when we were walking to our cars she was staying next to me the whole time I noticed. She was just grabbing my hand and we were being silly. I'm sure the onlookers would see something kind of uncomfortable and somewhat annoying... but a lot of flirting tends to look that way anyways.


Continuing, so she was going left and I right to our cars, and so I asked for her number. So I called her and we got each other's numbers in our phones. So I went home.


She called me like 10 min after I got home and texted "so then what are you doing tonight" and so I invited her over and she said "Would love to".


Obviously we were flirting with some extra texts... Well then I went online to facebook to get the skinny. So uh... yeah it said "in a relationship" and gave his name. Awesome!


anywho so she finally comes over and we have a drink or two. Definitely a little awkward but we started hitting it off and all. We keep talking and finally I'm like "so dating anyone?" (this is well into an hour of drinking and talking and she hasn't mentioned him once).


She said "Yeah, we've been dating a couple months. (a laughter from both of us a beat and) What else you wanna know?" Heh. Well then we kind of veered away and back to the topic the rest of the night (like 4.5 hours of talking).


So yeah... her boyfriend started getting worried and everything so I said she better go (it was almost 3am anywho). I made her a CD and she left.


So hmm..... odd. Weirdest thing to me was, that she came over to my place knowing it would just be me and her (and if I were her boyfriend I would have been pretty pissed). She also stayed a LONG time. We were having some good conversations, but it was obviously a lot longer than the normal person would stay I suppose.


Gonna see her at work today... its gonna be slightly "off" but we'll be normal.


She said her and her BF were pretty serious and all... so I don't want to intrude... whats the right thing for me to do here? just keep flirting like we have? or stop flirting and kind of ignore her? Its hard to talk to her without flirting as its a part of how we met in a sense.


The way she was sitting on the couch was a little invitational too... you could tell by her body language that if I kissed her she wouldn't have minded... but I didn't, I don't like it when people do that sorta thing to me so I didn't want to do it to her BF. Also on her facebook it says "looking for random play" too... meanwhile in a relationship.


Lots of signals that she likes me. What should I do? continue on the same path? or become a bit more distant?



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Yeah definitely.


I like her but, I don't want to hop into a relationship.


I'm afraid this might happen:

Break up with BF, wish to date me, realizes I don't want to, gets mad/upset and doesn't talk to me.


I don't want that to happen to her.


Hard to figure out the "just be friends thing" without a little flirtation... as that is us "being friends".... but I don't want it to become anything I suppose. But at the same time I do. Guess its the loneliness I'm feeling heh.



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