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oh my god, i hate it when my girlfriend goes to the bar; no offence but nothing but bad things come outa that place. its no good... i dont understand that place. why do people go to a smelly place to pay for over priced beer and listen to crappy music. they can meet just as many people at a house party or something. it pisses me off, that i cant go because i'm "under age". im just so angry and jelous that shes drinking and meeting horny old guys that are only looking for a one night stand. to be brutally honest with you, i trust her completely; but when you're drunk, you dont realize your doing something stupid until after your finished doing it or in the middle of it. im afraid she might do something she might regret. im so angry right now i could seriously beat the fck out of my computer. i need some quick advise!

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I can see where you're coming from. There was a period of time where my boyfriend was underage and I was overage, and he used to be upset when I went without him.


Firstly, I think you need to calm down and think about it more rationally. Is she really being unfaithful? Or is she just going out and doing something she enjoys and you're just upset because you're not a part of it?


Secondly, if her behaviour is unacceptable and really bothers you: talk to her about it.

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One of the cornerstones in a good relationship is trust. If you trust her, then don't worry about it. Plus, even if she did get so drunk that she did not know what she was doing, if she loves you, she would not cheat on you. If she ever did cheat on you, its a sign the relationship probably wasn't going to work out anyway.

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When I was younger, I had a boyfriend that didnt like going out, he used to say "why cant we just sit in and watch a film have a drink? be romantic?" i used to think "Because we live once and i want to go and dance my feet off and laugh my *rse off and get all dolled up!"


He never wanted to go out, so I would go out without him with my friends and he would drop me off and then text me constantly and then pick me up. DROVE ME MAD!


One night I begged him to come out with me, prove how much fun it would be. He spent the whole time sitting by the side of the dancefloor accusing every man that walked past of fancying me. In the end he said "I want to go home!" I said "Okay then BYE!" and I stayed while he went home.


Our 'relationship' ended that night.


Moral of the story, you can't tell someone else what to do, or try to change them, or hope that they may see things your way. She is a woman, she wants to have fun with her friends. She isnt doing anything wrong. If you can't accept that, then find someone like you.

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One of the cornerstones in a good relationship is trust. If you trust her, then don't worry about it. Plus, even if she did get so drunk that she did not know what she was doing, if she loves you, she would not cheat on you. If she ever did cheat on you, its a sign the relationship probably wasn't going to work out anyway.


Disagree. I once got drunk and slept with someone I wouldn't have done if I was sober and I was engaged at the time.

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