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Another email what do i think now?

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So earlier in the day a friend called me saying she spoke to my ex:


His words to her was sometimes he wishes he never met and at others he misses me like there is no tomorrow. Then he continues to say he loves me as a person but lost all of his love as a gf.


Isnt a relationship eventually supposed to turn into a strong friendship?

Then i get home and there is an email from him that reads this:





I just wanted to say a few things. One, thank you so much for getting my camera back to me before the party. It means a lot to me.. Two, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't seen anyone else yet. Three, I really hope your doing well and you are OK. I hope your doing well in school and your not getting frustrated with it. You know your smart enough to pass any class.


Have a great weekend, I'm sure you will be something sexy


To me the email sounds a little flirty and very confusing. I have been keeping to no contact for 2 weeks now. Am i supposed to write back? He seems very confused to me, to say one thing to her and another to me unless I am reading into things. Someone please help....

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This isn't no contact.


If you're trying to get over your ex, you need to end this sort of second-guessing and move ahead with your life. You know that.

Hanging on to the words of mutual friends, accepting and replying to emails and wondering about the status of your relationship can only hurt you, unless you're trying to salvage a friendship from the situation. In that case, I'd recommend really ending contact until you aren't in such pain, then deal with establishing a platonic relationship.

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I read some but not all of your other post.


I get the impression that the relationship has suffered a lot of dramas and arguments. Your bf decided to broke off because he want to figure out his life which you later found out that he is seeing someone else.


IMHO, your bf seems selfish and manupulative. He keep on confusing you with his little hints like looking at your myspace and etc. However, you still harbouring hope to get back together with him.


My dear, unless he say to you, "I want to give our relationship another chance." Then it is at best you do no contact with him.

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Thank you all for your responses. The relationship has been through alot and you are right he is selfish right now and does need to sort his life out. It is very difficult, while I am angry at him, I still feel like I want him to say lets sit down and talk. I know I can not sit here and count on that, I have been keeping busy, But like any other hurt person a part of me wants to believe that MAYBE one day he will think and say that. Isnt that a possibility for anyone!

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