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Just want to know...guys OR girls...Who has told someone they wanted to break things off...but then hoped OR expected to actually HEAR from the person they dumped...and did you?? Did you pursue THEM again if you didnt??

How long before you deciced to eat crow and do the deed??

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My first boyfriend who i went out with for 2 and a half years and I had a massive row 11 years ago. It finished with me screaming "JUST F*** OFF" and he replied "okay i will"

I was so sure i'd hear off him, but i never did, even to this day! And i was too stubborn to call him or get in touch. It took me a while to get over him and I often think of him, last I heard he moved away, got married and now has four kids (guess i had a lucky escape there lol)

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I used to have fights with my boyfriend then tell him to just leave.

I always expected him to come crawling back but it was always me that did.

It wasn't healthy for our relationship at all and although we are still together today, it is due to the fact that i have more confidence and independence than because he kept coming back.


I've realised that it's not about how much he needs me and comes back to me, but more about how we spend quality time together.


If you are after attention, just say i want a hug, or i want you to tell me i'm beautiful.

It's worth in the long run of the relationship

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I regret calling my EX a jerk, then bursting into tears and he kept comparing me to his ex GF so I just had to stop and say that he just HAS to stop comparing me to his EX, but I said it in a mean way, I said stop comparing me to you (fing) exgirlfriend but I sSCreamed it im such an idiot and then I shouted the same thing, he forgave me and tried to make it work, he even made me some tea but I just blanked out and acted like nothing happened...that made him even more angry...ahh the pain, it so sad...

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I'm curious! A little off topic, but somewhat related. My ex g/f dumped me for another guy. She has very poor communication skills. She didn't tell me things that bothered her until she was dumping me. The last time we talked she told me communication of any kind was welcome and she wanted to hear from me, but I haven't heard anything from her. Could this be her pride, or maybe fear of me rejecting her communication? We have been 2 months NC since our last convo and she told me I was still her best friend (HA HA), and not the other guy. She asked if it would be another few months when she would hear from me again. My phone hasn't been ringing, but I'm not planning on breaking NC, I felt horrible last time I did! Any comments anyone?

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