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Ready to blow!

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Allright, for the passed (almost 4 years I have been with him, when we got together he said that he always wanted to comunicate. Fine. I can comunicate. He also said that whenever we get made at each other we shoud take some cooling off timebefore saying anything, fine.


Well, he stayed home from work last night (he works 3rd), and slept all night. He took me to work this morning because we only have one car. I had a horrible day at work today. I think I am close to getting fired, and I haven't even had this job very long. So at the end of the day I was ready to get the hell outa there. I waited and waited and waited, and he never showed to pick me up. So I called, and he was still in bed. So yes, I was pissed. SO I called a family member to come and get me. When my family member showed up 1/2 hour later I asked her to drop me at my friends house down the street. I figured I would hang out there for a few, and then walk home after blowing off some steam. Well my friend wasn't home, so I went home.


When I came in the door I said Hi, but he didn't answer. So I put my headphones on and went into the kitchen and started cleaning. Well I was doing this he left. He didn't say anything to me, he just left. He slambed the door so hard it about broke. When he got back I asked him where he went, he wouldn't tell me. I asked him why he is upset with me, wouldn't sy a word.


THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS GOES!!! There is never any resolution. NOthing ever gets talked out, he gets pissed off and won't even tell me why, and I'm SICK OF IT! I hate when he does this, comunication my ***!!!!!!! After all these years I am feeling like Iv had enough!


I am not even a smoker, but tonight I have smoked two of his cigarettes, and I am drinking too. My heart is pounding really hrad and fast. I am having chest pains, I feel dizzy... and I felt this way before the entering of any outside substances. I am so mad I don't know what to do. I feel like I want to break somethin, kick the wall, smash some plates, anything that gets the anger out. And right now he is just sitting on the couch watching TV like nothing is wrong.


I'm so tired of this crap, all these years, its enough already. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

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I think you need to sit down and have a conversation with him. Tell him that they way you guys are functioning as a couple isn't healthy for either one of you and it's affecting you. You can talk about what you both want from the relationship and what isn't working for you, and see if you can find a way to make it work. But you need to set concrete goals, otherwise things will just stay the same. If you both can't reach some sort of compromise, it might be time to move on...

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I might even advise something I don't usually here but this may be one of the few occasions that a break might work. However, it is important that you set a time limit (say 1 month) and rules like no dating other people.


It sounds like the beginning of the end but you both need to be sure before moving on.


Good luck.

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