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Just When I thought things couldn't get worse?

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Hi I've been posting for a few weeks following the breakup with my ex bf, well there seems to be yet another fly in the ointment...... he was going through drug testing because he's lost his children (custody) to the Children's Aide..... and he accidently left a card here, (I did ask him about a month ago) what the "canterbury clinic" was and he said it was where he went to be tested for any kind of drug abuse, bc thats what was ordered by the Courts......


I got curious today, googled this clinic and found it is and HIV/AIDS clinic and now I'm totally freaked out.... don't wanna talk to him though, and I can't go for testing until 13 weeks after contact, which won't be until end of December..... OMG I'm so afraid....... and how could anyone do that to another human being??????????


Why did he lie, and is this a death sentence?



So afraid, not just only heartbroken anymore....

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sandyv - try not to get yourself all worked up just yet. OK?


I totally understand your concern, for sure, but it's not a death sentence so much anymore. Whilst there is no cure yet, they HAVE come a long way with HIV stuff.


BUT ....here's the thing, you don't even know whether or not he has it, let alone if you have it.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch

You'll cross that bridge when you come to it

and other such cliches....


Don't worry about it until you know.


But if you are sexually active in the mean time, use protection.

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Ok. Breathe.


Relax. (I know, it's easy to say.. right?)


I work for an insurer and I know that we have practitioners bill under one tax id for a variety of services. Basically, what I mean is that they perform many services there. He may have to have a blood test to prove he's clean, and they obviously do that there, too.


IF he was going there for HIV testing, he may not have it.

IF he was going there for HIV treatment, you may not have contracted it.


IF by some horrible fate, you did contract it - it's no longer a death sentence. There are many treatment options available these days, and I heard on one popdcast that there is a drug that has CURED some lab animals completely of HIV that is only waiting government approval (and more testing).. My last point is this, if it was noticed early enough - it could be treated more effectively. Most likely you could live for a LONG time before it moved on to AIDS. Hopefully that would give time to have an effective drug released.


You just need to relax for 13 weeks. Go see a movie. Go out with friends, etc. There's no since in worrying about something that may or may not be and that you cant change anyways.

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I don't want to be the eternal optimist here, but the fact that he had to go to an HIV/AIDS clinic does not mean that he has it, or even that he is worried about it. I don't know what the rules are about his situation, but I do know that HIV testing is required for several legal processes (immigration, etc.), even if the person knows they are totally clean. I hope that's the case with your ex and he went there just because it was required of him...

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