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Life and what it means to live it

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One person has problems in their marriage. Another can't overcome her insecurities so figuring out life seems impossible and that person gets suicidal. One man just lost his youngest child.


The rest of us?- leading average lives with all the little problems weighing in our minds. It's like life becomes a soap opera in our minds, but when looking on the outside at yours, another may say, "Oh, here's an open door. And oh, here's a window to crawl through instead."


But solving problems isn't solving US. In this life, lack of intimacy is leading to real heartbreak. Heartbreak begins in a society that is being swayed by the knowledge overload of history and the circulating advertisements that go around of who we should be. One thing we can't do is cry in public. No, a natural disastor has to happen before a person allows people to come around. If your family doesn't give intimacy and unconditional support to you, the pain of that taints your friendships. If you don't have friendships, you become a loner- at least in your mind.


I think to live life, we need to talk about life. Really talk about it- about everything. We let ourselves and others go without guidance if we do not. Most time, this neglect starts slowly within the home.. and spreads throughout a person's heart with the more pressure they put on themselves to be and do everything right... just because that's what everyone else appears to be doing.


People go to a God or a religion to find a way to live life and enjoy it. I did this myself after being traumatized a thousand times in my past. (exaggeration- but still, traumatizing happened) You want to know what I found out, really found out through all that?


  • We humans come from the same source- made from the same things (our DNA and even emotional self demonstrate this to a degree)
  • We have potential to create anything, be anything and do anything(Based within the boundaries society creates overtime of itself)
  • We have consciousness (though we don't know how)
  • There's a creative desire to express everything and a then desire to love, really love and know, really know, the direction that each individual is headed... and why.
  • A spiritual culture was never started unless it was an attempt make explanations, not connections to each other and the universe- thereforeeee the idea has been shattered and lost despite some very Christian efforts I have seen in the world
  • We lose everything with time- we lose this identity.
  • Pain seems to be a part of life- used as tool for growth so one keeps on moving. Or sometimes, they give up. Yet still, something is born from pain which reveals who we really are. Perhaps we are meant to be the opposite of pain and that is why it attracts itself to us so. But we are not magnets. We are adapters and shifters. We can repel it anytime we want to.

So here's my basic analysis whether true or false, it is my belief: We were first created as something, as every color for example. A world was created that brought out every color... so that we may know who we are.


But who are we? If it's something so important that we have our own world for it, but we have enough consciousness to control and change ourselves all the while...then perhaps it is simply for evolvement. For what? Like an experiment just to see where humankind will go?

(keep going with me here)

our basic instincts are brutal, surviving ones (like animals) in the beginning when we need them, but as the world of mankind has evolved, that has gone away... once we don't need them (or want them). Yet, nature and disastors and other people can meddle with us and bring them back out again. Youth has a touch of them without guidance. It's a lower level of consciousness we can dwell in at any provoked time. We've developed the understanding of our own emotion with our brains through time also. This level of logic guides us to have or not have our emotions, yet we cannot get rid of our thoughts as easily. Something pushes us to understand, but leaves it to us to do so.


Honestly, here, I think we were either once made from animals or made from the same source. Some level of consciousness in the universe grew and wanted to be expressed and explored.. but if it's only for expression and exploration, then the universe doesn't really know itself either. Perhaps our only purpose is to find purpose... or rather, choose it.



So...What do you think?

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Thought provoking. I think that all beings on earth are connected. The closer or more similar the being (DNA), the more connected. This is obvious right? And yet people do not realise that when they hurt another being (especially one close to them), they also hurt themselves.


Example: A young man is full of hate and anger and pride. One day he stabs another young man. He didn't mean to actually kill him, but he did. This does not just hurt the man that he killed. It hurts him and his own family and friends. It hurts the young victims, his family and his friends. It hurts the wider community because fear grows. Fear creates anger and hatred and this creates more violence which creates more fear which creates....


Humans do have a higher level of consciousness but we are still pretty ignorant.

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Everyone's egos are very sensitive I've noticed. The ego is really what guides us for a long time. I think we should turn that perspective around and live more selflessly. It sure would break down walls in others.


I feel like my post lost a single focus as it got to the end there. Sometime, I will reword it. I do wish though that people would take this as a chance to express their intellegence. We should guide each other about life and explore. I thought this site was for that.

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Example: A young man is full of hate and anger and pride. One day he stabs another young man. He didn't mean to actually kill him, but he did. This does not just hurt the man that he killed. It hurts him and his own family and friends. It hurts the young victims, his family and his friends. It hurts the wider community because fear grows. Fear creates anger and hatred and this creates more violence which creates more fear which creates....



yet as time goes on, the weight of the situation spirals down and emotionally, people are confused and empty. but still, we get past it. Amazing that we do yet don't really know what for...or why. Life and getting through it is all a process that each of us guides, but yes, one person can be a trigger or a spark that sets another's life in flames.. and the flames keep going on to whoever is nearest or closest to the one that got burned.


In my home, my parents hurt me constantly on a low level. It seeps in strongly to my heart at times, but others, I have almost adapted to pain. I no longer call myself depressed even though my life hasn't REALLY gotten better. I have though. It happens with maturity. It's cool.


My mom's boyfriend, Ray, brings into our home a firey, tense energy. How he moves and reacts to things, sometimes I move and react to it the same way- find myself taking on bits of his character because his energy is so strong. It's not always DNA which connects us most. Sometimes, when you are simply emotionally involved, you are connected. Energies shift in and out of your soul as each person comes and passes.

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