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Can an outgoing, fun guy be shy?


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Can it be? Around everyone else it seems he extroverted, outgoing, fun and relaxed. Around me, he is quieter, awkward and freezes up. He stops and chit chats with other girls when he sees me he looks down and says nothing unless I say hi first. Basically, shy guy characteristics. Can a fun,non socially inept guy be shy or just assume he is uninterested?

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I so know what u mean, my crush is exactly the same, sooooo talkative, really popular and fun...when it comes to me, super shy, acts really different...blushes even when im looking at him, and weird part is he talks/flirts back so easily with all the other girls. Its shocking! Its like i cant label him a 'shy guy', but with me he is reaaally shy.

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Thanks guys for your replies and carzy300, I read your posts all the time to see if I can get insight into my shy guy. Seems we are in the same boat- confused!!!!



Totally do me a favor ladeedah, if your shy guy ever steps up, or does something new, let me know. And if mine does (which is highly unlikely! also because im quiting my job tomorrow, and hes my colleague)i'll send u a msg too Deal?

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Crazy... why don't you ask your shy guy out? Quitting your job means there's no better time to do it cos if it turns out you had it all wrong and he was being all coy around you for some other unlikely reason then you won't see him again and there'll be no awkwardness... then you can report back to ladeedah with something really interesting.

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Crazy... why don't you ask your shy guy out? Quitting your job means there's no better time to do it cos if it turns out you had it all wrong and he was being all coy around you for some other unlikely reason then you won't see him again and there'll be no awkwardness... then you can report back to ladeedah with something really interesting.


haha..yeah the thought has crossed my mind...but im not so sure about it. Im hoping he'll do something, coz ive been flirting with him a lot the past 2 weeks

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Im that guy, so I will give you my perspective. I really like a girl, but she works with me so Im a little hesitant in asking her out officially. We have hung out 1 on 1 and I need to but I guess im a little scared.


Try asking the guy to hang out 1 on 1. That way, there isnt as much pressure on either of you. But you need to make sure you give him hints that you like him. Now you need to give hints that a guy will pick up, not subtle ones that girls usually give out.


Otherwise, the only other course is to ask him out.

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i was in the same situation as you. The guy I had a crush on is in the top 1% of the most outgoing people I have ever met....that is around everyone else but me. We also work together but in different departments. I observed him easily joking around and talking to girls of all types.


He would walk by my office and always sneak a peek in at me several times a day and we had several flirty eye contact moments & smiles but no words were exchanged.


I finally caught him at a moment where just the two of us were alone and I tried to strike up a conversation. I was shaking like a leaf inside but tried to conceal it. The conversation was brief and he seemed kinda caught off guard.


I don't know if he had picked up that maybe I had a crush on him, but now he will avoid eye contact at all costs and will no longer glance in my office as he walks by....he darts by me like I don't exist. Bummer!!!!


Sorry that this is not really advice....just felt compelled to share my story since mine was similar to yours and your posting really hit home with me.


I really hope your situation ends up differently!! Best of luck!!

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Heyy oneshygal, he sounds exactly like my guy, and exactly the same situation. We work in different departments, and at first he kept blatantly staring at me, glancing at me every chance he got, whenever he passed my desk. And i mean he wouldnt even look away, he would just stare without a smile...like i was a ghost. Eventually, i caught on the fact that this guy probably likes me or something, so i started staring back. LOL. Funny thing, he couldnt look me in the eye properly for a long time after that. Whenever i looked at him, he would smile and quickly look somewhere else.(Shy u think??)


Its been a long time since then, summer holidays and such. Hes done lots of favors for me, and now we actually "talk" to each other, but its only about work. And the conversations are always awkward and we're almost always nervous. But now, he wont look at me. Not unless I say "hi", he just wont look, pretends not to see me. Worst part is walking down the corridor with one of my female friends, and he waves to her, not me. So like i said earlier, past 2 weeks, i cudnt care less, been trying to flirt a LOT, and the smiles are reciprocated, but he is so scared, he was sort of trembling!.


Thats when i realized i gotta stop pushing so hard, and just let things be. SOrry i rambled on and on...hehe just felt like sharing..


Good luck to everybody with their shy guys.....we need it..lol

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