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Hello all:


I made a big mistake about a year ago and lied to my former employee. I told them that my out of state girlfriend was pregnant and then moved back to my kinda-home state. Since moving back me and my girl havent gotten along at all, i dont like my current job. I want my old job back but dont want to be known as a liar. Its like if I lie again then i feel good because they dont know me as a liar but if i lie again then i feel bad kinda because i know i've lied.


any advice from internet land would be appreciated.




Mistaken motives

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You could just say that circumstances have changed, and you are moving back to your home state. That you are wondering if there is a place for you at your former place of employment. If they ask about your pregnant girlfriend, you could say that you'd prefer to not go into the details, but again, circumstances have changed, and you are available to work there again...and will stay available.


Only the most tactless, nosy, obtuse person would then press the issue. Trust me, they'll probably privately surmise their own opinion on what happened (like, you found out it wasn't your baby, lol) and will leave it at that.

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