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Where is the best place to take someone on a first date?


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How About white castle, that is for sure (ok just some humor)


um a first date....well something simple, NOT to fancy, and McDonalds is NOT on that list of fancy places to eat, but really...if it's just a first date make it a Good one. How about the Zoo...you can eat there, and get a better understanding of what this girl is about, what she likes, animals are so fun to watch, and will make you and her feel more relaxed together, cotton candy on a stick might be the only thing she might want the whole day, and make sure you PAY for everything, being a gentleman goes a Long way on a first date, opening doors, pulling out chairs..etc. your Fine my friend, You worry to much...a Date doesn't have to be ONLY where to eat. that will come later, just show her YOUR putting her first, ask her what type of food she likes, and than go from there....Pizza might be good..Yummy!

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I agree with the last post. Something simple, nothing too fancy. I also agree with SwingFox that bowling would be a great idea. I personally love bowling myself. If a guy asked me out and suggested we go there I would gladly accept.


As for where to eat, nothing to fancy and/or expensive of course. Swiss Chalet may be a good choice. If you both like that kind of thing. Or if that is too expensive for you (as also was mentioned, you should pay for everything; being a gentlemen will get you far; it would work with me) Subway may also be a good choice. I know it's not really the best place but its cheap and they have really good food (both tasty and healthy). And of course it wouldn't be as bad (maybe wrong choice of words there) as say McDonalds.


Another good date may be a movie that you would both enjoy. I don't know if people would disagree with me on this or not, but if you are shy it's the kind of date where you wouldn't have to do much talking. Which also may be a bad thing cause you won't get to know her too well. But then maybe you could go out for pizza or a drink afterwards where you could talk for a while. That would be the kind of first date I'd like to go on because I'm shy myself.


Hope this helps.

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