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This is so wierd! Why are my feelings so contridicting?

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alright this is weird. i am in college and my girlfriend calls me ALL the time. we talk on the phone just about every single free moment i have. we used to spend every day together when i was back home. so when i left for college i knew it would be a good thing to be apart for a while, because we all know it is unhealthy to spend THAT much time together. it would eventually break down the relationship.


so we talk all the time now, so it's kind of like we're not apart. i miss her sure, but i dont miss her as much as i would like, as weird as that sounds...


i enjoy the free time i have when i know she's in school and im not in class (she's in highschool). so i take those moments and enjoy my free time. with that said this is where the weird part comes in.


although i love the free time and not talking. i tend to get upset when i know she's out of class and doesnt call me. like, if i know she's done with her appointment at 9pm...and she doesnt call till like, 940, i always tend to be upset because she doesnt call soon enough. so what is this about? i dont want to talk to her so much because we need to be apart and miss eachother. but i get upset if she doesnt call soon enough!???


this is so weird! what is going on????

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Maybe you're addicted to her. It's like an alcoholic going through withdrawl...he/she knows too much drinking is unhealthy, but yet he/she misses it and goes back to their regular habits. It's okay to have a few drinks now and then...and it's okay if you talk to your girlfriend now and then...shouldn't be TOO often...but communication is key right? Sorry for comparing you to an alcoholic...and your girlfriend as the beverage...but it was the only way I could explain myself.

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