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I'm upset P Oed and frustrated

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I work with this guy - most often its just him and I.


He's a 20 year old punk kid (not a comment about 20 year olds - just this guy) He's conservative, christian, racist, sexist, homophobic, and, well....just mean.


I am neither conservative nor liberal, atheist, not racist or sexist and am nice.


Well, most days we pick at each other and it's no big deal. I make fun of him for being stupid and he thinks I'm gross for liking other ethnicities besides white (who-white) people.


He's asian by the way. He was adopted from Korea when he was a teeny-tiny little korean boy and before he became a giant racist pig in the US.


Ok - I'll get to the point.


He's Christian and I make fun of him for that too. Its all in fun and he makes just as much fun of me for NOT being Christian. He also makes fun of other religions for not being Christian as well...


I ONLY make fun of him because he's mean. AND only because he is SOOO very intolerant. I hope it's obvious that I have no problems whatsoever with what ever people want to be or do.


Is this because he's young?


So he's telling everyone he knows and very literally their mothers that we (the owners of the Co he works for) are atheists.


I don't care if people know, necessarily, but this is a largely christian dominant world and lots don't take kindly to atheists. Really - I just don't want our company associated with religion - or lack there of.


So one of his friend's mom's says, "awww... doesn't she have kids? That's so sad."





I hate ignorance.

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I think the analysis is quite simple...


You hired an idiot....



seriously though...i dont think sex shops/adult video stores are affiliated with religion, but they seem to be rather profitable..


uhm,....I mean, i HEAR They make money!

You sort of get where im going with this?....if not, then just press the "I believe" button

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his mouthing off about your company being run by atheists in a largely Christian area could have negative business consequences, and he should be told in no uncertain terms to stop it or face termination.


as far as his pervasive and well-rounded ignorance goes, don't let his problem become yours. you have enough on your plate already. knowhutimean, Vern?

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He is blatantly ignorant.


This guy was Korean born and yet he is rascist to non-whites.


What a hypocrit is all I can say.


I see rascism everyday in life, and I just cannot stand it as it shows ignorance.


Because he is Christian, he is now better than everyone else?


No! Tell him to go back to school and educate himself, because there are many methods that are completely viable, to each their own.


In my opinion it deals little with his age, he was just brain-washed growing up, or just completely naive.


Edit to add: I personally would tell him to either stop the slander or he will be let go without a reference.


Hugs, Rose

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He is ignorant and I too don't like racists. But you have really given him 'permission' to behave like that by doing this:


Well, most days we pick at each other and it's no big deal. I make fun of him for being stupid and he thinks I'm gross for liking other ethnicities besides white (who-white) people.


He's Christian and I make fun of him for that too. Its all in fun and he makes just as much fun of me for NOT being Christian. He also makes fun of other religions for not being Christian as well...


I ONLY make fun of him because he's mean. AND only because he is SOOO very intolerant. I hope it's obvious that I have no problems whatsoever with what ever people want to be or do.

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I'm going to agree with DN and say that in a way you are both to blame. If you do not want your company to be affiliated with one "religion or lack there of" then you should keep it out of the work place. Obviously if you are picking at each other for beliefs you've had conversations about religion or lack there of before. If you don't want your company affiliated with stuff, don't talk about it in the work place.


Also, depending on where you live if you fire him he could sue, because you aren't technically allowed to fire people for their beliefs. I would just say that you would prefer not to talk about religion any more and give him a warning to stop telling people that your company is atheistic. Also, YOU need to stop talking about religion with him and the fact that he is Christian. So what if he is Christian? You making fun of him is no better than him making fun of you.

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Ya know DN - You're totally right. I rolled with it at first thinking we would both just let it go at some point because we're obviously sooo different.


He's actually got a very fun, charismatic personality so at first, it was just goofin' off and really, harmless, non-offensive, silly stuff.


But when he took it outside the company - I told him exactly what SB said, he needs to NOT ever do that again or we will have to reconsdier his employment.


And Pitt - agreed. You're totally right. Regardless of who started it (he did) neither of us should be talking about it.


When he first started, I was VERY reluctant to talk about my non-religious beliefs. He never knew for the entire first year he worked here. But as it is almost impossible when you get to know some one so very intimately, to keep personal beliefs out of conversation, it was BOUND to come up.


He spoke constantly to me as it was a big, fat, DUH that I was christian.


But really, No biggie. I didn't care to correct him. I didn't care what he knew, assumed etc. But we've gotten to know each other very well. He practically lives here.


Anyway - point is, Its just frustrating. What's most frustrating to me though, is a grown woman with adult children saying, "awwww that's too bad. Those poor kids."


Do people really think like that??? Well obviously they do. But awwwwww....poor kids.

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Sorry I missed the whole part where it was said you were his boss.


Are you? If you are, you should not be making light of his religion no matter what it is. That would be grounds for a big fat harassment lawsuit for "hostile workplace" and religious discrimination.

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No Avman - if anything and on paper, he's actaully MY manager. But it's my husband's company. I work at it as an employee just as this guy does, but HE'S actually a manager. I'm a mere helper type.


I suppose there's grey area about me being the owner's wife or something.


I mean, its a very small company with only about 10 employees. He and I are the only ones in the office tho. AND according to my husband, small companies are not subject to ALL of the same laws. Not saying that one doesn't apply, because I'm sure it does, but the guy I'm talking about, let's call him Brian - found out that it is NOT against the law to discrinate based on sexual orientation and was ecstatic. I thought that WAS against the law....but apparently it's not (YET)

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Just to put a different point of view here.

He is asian adopted by is assume white family.

He has a superiority complex because his family has tried to always not make him feel different and thus over compensated.

To be honest, he is actually confused on who he is and thus he seeks religion to answer his fears on why his real parents didnt want him or to be honest where he actually sit in society. (ie clearify for him his insecurities)


I suppose the best way to make him realise is to not so much put him in his place but to get a mirror and ask him to take a good look at it. Point out that he is asian and that he is the last person to be racist. Maybe point out that he is confused on where he stand in society and he has to figure that problem out himself and not bring it to work. Religion gets you fate, but he has to figure who his is in society himself.

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where have YOU been all this time?


I feel stupid, and contagious.


I think I get too caught up in the anger of the moment to see the obvious.


I have brought up the fact that he is asian - delicately because he usually avoids it. But his friends call him a twinkie - which to me is just as horrible as the things he say about other races and I refuse to partake.


But I like the way you put it freedom - thanks for the wording. I needed that!

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If he hates non white people then subconsciously he hates himself even more. His adoptive parents obviously did him a great disservice by not teaching him about Korean culture or something...


Anyway, even though you aren't the boss you should tell hubby to can him(lol). All jokes aside he should be put in his place. Honestly, I would not have someone that ignorant working for me, and sabotaging business at the sametime...


And I agree with Freedom, he hides behind religion because he couldn't take it in the real world. He has LOADS of growing up to do...


He is really SAD.

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If he hates non white people then subconsciously he hates himself even more. His adoptive parents obviously did him a great disservice by not teaching him about Korean culture or something...


Anyway, even though you aren't the boss you should tell hubby to can him(lol). All jokes aside he should be put in his place. Honestly, I would not have someone that ignorant working for me, and sabotaging business at the sametime...


And I agree with Freedom, he hides behind religion because he couldn't take it in the real world. He has LOADS of growing up to do...


He is really SAD.


Ya know - I am going to have a "secret" talk with my husband and maybe he can be the one to put him in his place. He SHOULD be the one to as he is the guy's boss....


But I know my husband will say what you all have been saying and tell me to stop encouraging it and getting sucked into it. So...........OK - lesson learned.


But you're right Foxlocke - he really is sad. I should pity him rather than trying to change his opinion......

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