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Some of u may know my story …

Its really long but I don't think necessary to move on now..


Basically, theres this girl who I told that I like her a lot but she had bf at the time and told me it wouldn't work….

Now, after more than 6 months, we are both trying to talk to each other…


1. We're both kind of shy. (especially around each other..).

2. Everytime I try to say sumthing, my lips are SEALED SHUT.. literally..

3. Everytime she tries to say sumthing, one of us looks away and the moment passes..


Plus, I cant say she likes me as much as I like her but I am definitely NOT saying that she is not interested either..

She IS looking for sum kind of relationship (friends, love... though I'd be happy with anything)…

I wrote her a sort of a poem, and I think it worked,..


I just want to go up to her and talk, but that's soo damn HARD…


I've been around this site.. and theres lots of threads bout how to start a conversation..

But I need to get TO that point of starting the conv… as in g oing up to her.. ….

It may sound silly but I can talk to her once we've said a hi or sumthing..

I managed to get a smile accross though….



how do i get over my nerves and say a hi or anything...

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Sometimes physical confidence manifests itself mentally, so dress nicely enough so you feel good, smell good, look good.


I used to be the shyest person ever, I never smiled, didn't talk much, and then I started talking to people I felt comfortable and down-to-earth with, the grocer, the janitor, the cleaner, everyone, and I began opening up.


Now I am a chatter box and speak in front of 300 people audiences quite often.


Sometimes it just takes a little getting used to, talk to everyone you see to get practice.


Then go up to her, and say hi, I was wondering if you would like to get coffee sometime, I heard that Starbucks has a new frappaccino, do you want to check it out?


Just be yourself and be calm and remember you have nothing to lose, the ocean is full of fishies.


Hugs, Rose

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Thanx for the kind words..


I have been talking to a lot of people about random things in the past few months and of course it has helped..


But I am thinking of another easier way to get to talk to her..

Since we have a week of mid-term break and I wont be seeing her again till the 28th of this month, should I tell a close friend everything that happened.. I trust him to keep it between us.. cuz then he could talk to her first..


just a straightforward talk that I came to him this week and am very lost and confused about what she wants.. and that when I try to talk to her she turns away and then at times she does try to talk to me as well.. and I have no problem with talking it one-on-one to her.. so at least that is clear to her…


is this a gud idea???

and is there sumthing he should or shouldnt say to her???


any advice would be highly appreciated..

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Let me tell you, just get the balls to say it; don't think at all, just say hi, its not hard, then you will naturally take it from their because as being shy you won't wanna mess it up because your too focused on yourself (a reason why you can't talk to her).


I recently got rid of my shyness for good, its such a better feeling than feeling all reserved and messing up all your chances with girls your into. trust me, you wanna try to talk, its sorta "scary" the first time, but after that its easy, you'll just be nervous haha.

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How? What happened?



I put this up in her class and saw her reading it..


It takes a strong person to say sorry,

And an even stronger person to forgive.


When you forgive, you in no way change the past-

But you sure do change the future.


You forgive me for liking you too much,

And I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.


You forgive me for missing you so,

And I'll forgive you for being so cold.


You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,

And I'll forgive you for not hearing it.


You forgive me for finding you so attractive,

And I'll forgive you for not noticing.


You forgive me for wanting to be with you,

And I'll forgive you for avoiding me.


You forgive me for being so pathetic,

And I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.


You forgive me for not being able to let go,

And I'll forgive you for never having latched on.


You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,

And I'll forgive you for crushing them.


You forgive me for that 2nd letter

And I'll forgive you for the pain you caused me after.


Forgiveness brings inner peace.

Do we have a deal?


Cuz I sure can't go on like this..


From me (I know its been 6 months but yes its me)



She tried to talk to me after that but it was bad timing and now we've got a week off classes...


So I'll see her next saturday..

hopefully - better luck then.. lol..

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