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is it my age???

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so ive went out with older men my whole life!! since the age of twelve! the only difference is i was on drugs and living that fast life style! now that i have 2 yrs clean i met a guy who is 24 and im 18!! closest age gap ive ever had but for the first time in my life i notice how smothered i feel and it's more of a burden than a luxury!!! i try and control it but then i just get resentful! when im with him im thinking about someone else alot!! (a friend) who's 28 but im like addicted to being around him!


this obviously made him jealous! my friendship with this guy who is like my everything (not on a relationship tip)! it irritated me so bad that i broke up with this guy! we tried to still be friends with benefits but im just not into him like that at all i've come to find out! he told me he loved me and he's getting really hurt over me not wanting to be with him!! i have soo much guilt and noticed i always do this in a relationship](*,) why is this!! is it possible to be friends?? is it because im 18 and just not ready for a commitment yet??

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Please tell me you weren't sleeping with these guys when you were underage because that's statutory rape. You may be into older guys, but these guys have been taking advantage of you. Especially if they were giving you drugs.



As far as your question is concerned, it sounds like you're just not really into the 24 year old. So I wouldn't waste his time. I don't think you have to feel guilty. Just break up with him. But going out with the 28 year old doesn't really sound like a good idea.


As yourself: Why would a 28 year old want a relationship with an 18 year old, instead of someone he has more in common with?

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Maybe a 28-year-old is really young at heart. When both parties are consenting adults it should not matter...


However, with Ibgeef, I am noticing a distinct pattern of older men taking advantage of a naive young girl.

Ibgeef, I think you should step back and take some time out from relationships. You obviously keep falling for the same type of guy...the WRONG kind of guy.

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i have soo much guilt and noticed i always do this in a relationship](*,) why is this!! is it possible to be friends?? is it because im 18 and just not ready for a commitment yet??


You shouldn't be messing around with the feelings of others.

These guys can be really hurt by your antics, and you have no idea what you want. You must love the attention, and if you keep playing one guy against another, you're in for a world of hurt.

It's not your age, but your lack of maturity.

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Um... I think the problem is that you're just not ready for any commitment and obviously the older guys that you dated before were only looking for a fun time with YOU. Or perhaps now that you're off drugs, you can see the real human flaws of people as well as what attracts you to them.


Boo! on immaturity.

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THANKS BLUEANGEL!! i know im not immature cause im exactly the opposite! As far as playing one guy against another is just obserd if i was doing that then guilt wouldn't even creep into my thinking! as far as the 28 year old go's im not looking for a relationship with him im just always wanting to be around him!! He provides a certain security for me and the 24 year old never understood what it was and assumed i was sleeping with my friend which caused alot of resentments for me!! he's a real jealous type and i know i'm not the one to be controlled like that!! u know like "who's that?" who's this" and just no space at all!!!!

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