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has anyone tried this? ... try going to landmark education (dot com) or google landmark forum and check out the website. it seems that the workshop/seminar is geared towards better relationships and healing ... as well as having a postive outlook, etc .. the usual self-help stuff



there is also a lot of negative press about them using hypnosis or other controversial therapy but i'd rather get feedback from someone who has taken a workshop

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Yeah...I would second those tread carefully statements.....it is very much a cult, and there is a reason for the bad press...I have not taken any workshops myself, but I am going from people I know whom have.


The whole idea is they get you hooked early on, before you "see" what it really is...which is why you need to be careful....

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I have done the Forum, and the Advanced Course. I have had a great experience with them. They do seem a bit heavy handed with the requests to invite others to do the Forum, though. But, do understand, it is a business. They don't advertise, so all of their business is by word of mouth.


I personally know one person who had a negative experience with Landmark, but I know many more who have benefitted greatly. I have had some amazing stuff come out of my participation. My relationship with my family is the best it's ever been, and I've become a much better person to be around. It's not for everybody, but it's improved my life immensely. Some aspects may seem "cult-like," but it is most definitley not a cult.

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has anyone tried this? ... try going to landmark education (dot com) or google landmark forum and check out the website. it seems that the workshop/seminar is geared towards better relationships and healing ... as well as having a postive outlook, etc .. the usual self-help stuff



there is also a lot of negative press about them using hypnosis or other controversial therapy but i'd rather get feedback from someone who has taken a workshop




I'm in sales and I've seen countless multi-level marketing businesses in my time. This is one of them. Please read the following link from the Federal trade Commission about MLM's.


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Also please read Wikipedia's link about this subject;


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All I can suggest to you is that if quacks like duck, it walks like a duck and it looks like a duck, it is a duck.


But, if it's "geared towards better relationships and healing..." you want then what better place to do so for free than here with the authentic and loving members of this awesome site, ENA. See, now I'm selling you.


Goodluck with your decission,



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