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I was sat watching the TV last night in my pjs and my shorts had ridden up, I looked at my thighs and noticed tiny little pink and purple veins, tiny broken veins on the surface. They are sporadically spread about, but nonetheless bothered me. My boyfriend was like "Where?!!" so its not like they stick out obviously, but when I pointed them out he was like "oh yeah.. alcoholics normally get them on their face!"


So I googled em this morning, and they can be inherited or from oestrogen. I have only been on an oestrogen pill for a month! having previously taken Progesterone only pill for a year. My mum hasnt got these. Im really self conscious and upset about them!!


Has anyone else got anything similar and what do you do?

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I have them too. A lot of women do, in fact. I also started having them at 'this' (= our) age lol. Don't worry too much. I can imagine you worry about it, but there is little you can do. I think alcoholics get them for very different (liver-related) reasons, and then they are mostly on the nose. I have them on my outer thighs (like 2 spots, very small veins), and on the inside of my knee on one side. I also have very tiny tiny vein-endings that sometimes 'pop' into the skin, looking like a very small pink needle point. I had one in the face when I was younger, and had it 'burned' away.


Yes, it can be hormone related, women tend to have more when pregnant as well. Oh and my mom also DOESN'T have them. Grrr. But my sister has. We inherited the 'proneness' to these things from our fathers side of the family



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Well, keep in mind that the producers of those products make profit of people's insecurity (think of all the companies selling both food and diet products, arrgh!). I think that exercise and hot-cold showers help also, but in fact, if it's in your nature... they will show up anyway. I'd advise to see a doctor before you spend your $$$ on expensive products. If he thinks they won't change it, or he knows treatments that are covered by insurance, you can keep the money and buy a great new outfit (oh and tell me about the treatment if there is one. For me the one in the face was done with a small needle I think. But I was 11 years old).



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