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ladies, would you get upset at your boyfriend in this situation??

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me and my girlfriend have done everything there is to do since our 9months together. well...tonight, as well as other nights in the past, she got upset with me over something i believe is completely stupid. we'll be laying together in her room or something and have the chance to do stuff. well, we'll be laying there and joking around and laughing and wrestling around a little, and usually in this process a lot of times it leads to us making out and so on.


well tonight, we were joking about and she ended up saying "my boob itches"...so i moved her hand away and itched it for her well, i did it through her clothes not thinking, so when she said "through my clothes is all you're going to do?" i then realized my stupidity. so i went in her shirt and scratched her. so then we layed there a few more minutes and then she just layed her head down on my chest.


so i asked what was wrong and she said she was tired and going to sleep. so i was all confused because she was WIDE away just a minute ago. so i said "you're going to sleep?" and she said "yea, since you're not going to do anything."


so basically she got upset with me because i didnt try to do anything else when she "gave me the chance". i guess she expected me to go down her pants or something, i really dont know. so i asked if it was too late and she said "i dont know" so i tried to kiss her and put my hand on her stomach right at the top of her pants, and she wouldnt cooperate. so i just said alright and let her go to sleep. she woke up still upset with me because she said "i gave you the perfect chance and you didnt do anything, so i went to sleep"


this kind of pissed me off more than anything, but she still got all huffy and puffy about it. and this is by no means the first time this has happened. sometimes if i dont go for the kill fast enough, i lose it all.


its just i have problems figuring out when she wants it and when she doesnt, so sometimes i dont always go for it and it costs me. but other times, i dont go for it right away and she still tries and throws hints and i eventually get going and all is perfect.


ladies, would you get upset at your man for this?


and also, what is some hints and what should i do when i find myself in that decision making moment when i have to either go for it or let it be?

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yea, it puts a lot of pressure on me because i feel i have to be perfect in everything i do to pick up every tiny hint and know exactly what she's thinking. because when she says she's "tired" sometimes this means she's seriously sleepy, and sometimes it means "if you're not going to try anything i'm going to sleep"...so i dont know what do to a lot of times. because i want to be the sweet boyfriend and hold her while she sleeps, so i dont want to mess up and try to do anything when she's really tired, that just makes me look like all i want from her is sex. so im always in no mans land when this happens.

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and what really frustrates me is how she completely shuts down and wont do anything. so she could build me up and get the mood all exciting and stuff, then i dont take a slight hint and she litterly goes to sleep, so i get to lay there in silence and think about how im not going to get even a kiss now

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Being blunt, I'm not sure she's ready to deal with sex.


In a perfect world there is communication between partners not passive aggressive game playing.


Sit her down and have a proper talk about your situation. Explain to her that you cannot be the one making all the moves, and that you are not a mind reader.


Though maybe you could also try being slightly more aggressive, it does sound like that is what she wants from you.

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Hey Shep88ner,


I personally think she's acting like a child who wants attention. She's sort of whining like a baby. Anyways, not trying to diss her up, because I do it sometimes with my boyfriend as well . I say, the next time she gets upset, look into her eyes and tell her she's beautiful and then kiss her. See where that goes. She seems to want to get freaky often, and maybe you want to take it slow, so try to be more romantic towards her. Goodluck.



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