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I REALLY don't understand this friendship / boyfriend line..

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OK, maybe I keep thinking about this too often but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone else can help me...


There's a girl I know, have known her for about 2 years and over the past 12 months, we have become very close.


Now, SHE rings me most nights and we talk. We talk about everything and anything and we know each other really well.


Also, SHE suggests we should go out for 'fun trips', like to grab a takeaway or to go see a movie.


Now, I go along with this, I talk to her, I go to the movies with her and we really get on well and have some fun!


But, here comes the confusing bit...


I don't know whether she wants a FRIEND in me or possibly more? A while ago, I think I came on a bit strong and she put me in my place and told me I am her FRIEND and FRIEND only!


So last week, she gave me this little photo of herself and told me to cherish it and it was for me. Nice. So I put it in my wallet!


The other day, I decided to 'test the water' again and I told her on the phone that I was showing her photo off at work. She replied with 'i bet you told most of them that i am your girlfriend didn't u?' I said yes to this and she just laughed sweetly and said 'thought so'. So she wasn't angry with me for that but does that mean that she maybe changing her feelings towadrs me? Or not?


But do people who are JUST friends do things like go to the movies together, talk for ages and ages on the fone?


So from what I've told you, does she want a FRIEND or should I push harder?


L x

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Mate she is playing you like a fiddle, girls like that don't want boyfriends they want pals. To her your just a chum unless you can change it.


If you come on any strong she wil think your pathedic, everyone knows the old saying play it cool and thats what you should be doing in your case. Drop a hint or too but nothing really strong to she her any feelings. After after a while you will figure out if your ready to confront her about it or just leave it alone.


Id have to say giving advice is so much more easier than taking action, and another thing why the hell are girls so complicated, it kills me too no end.


Well bud best of luck, i know we all need it.

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lolpants--I was reading ur dilemma and I have to agree with swingfox.....as a girl myself, sometimes we mess with ur guys heads and other times we just don't see that we're sending mixed signals. if ur really interested she knows 'cause let's face it.....most guy's sux at hiding their feelings. So come clean tell her how u feel....but, a little advice here, don't just drop it all in her lap. It can be a lil' overwhelming it hear a friend say they've got feelings for u, u know? another thing, r u prepared for the consequences of ur actions? In high school, I was always afraid to tell my best friend( Brian) that I was totally in love with him. I was afraid it would change how he treated me and that I would lose my best friend. I think I was right to not express my feelings for him. Then I fell in love with a friend a few years ago, and as our relationship dissipated, (unfortunately I was right about friends and dating) He couldn't treat me like b4 we went out.....so think out ur actions sweetie.....but, don't have regrets either......I don't regret loving my ex.......I just regret he couldnt see me as anything except the girl he dated....

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