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compulsive liar

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I have a friend who lies about everything, little things, big things, everything, I call her out on it and she says she can't stop, that she doesn't even mean to lie but that it just comes out that way.


What can I do to help her stop? How can I trust anything she says? Her lies get me into trouble with other friends, she started to make things up about me, I don't know what to do.

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She may need some counselling on her lying. Why does she do it? It's a habit that has been formed by years of doing it - she will need a professional to help her break this habit.


Get her to seek some help and its not going to help her win friends through life and is also tough for relationships.

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sisters CAN be dumped - and often should....IN A VAT OF ACID!!





But anyway helpme - your friend does that because it makes her feel cooler. She thinks she needs to be the one who is in the know, has the scoop, and will say whatever she thinks the person she is with wants to hear.


She is in desparate need of reassurance that she is a nice, cool and interesting person regardless of what stories she has, what dirt she has on who etc.


If you've confronted her and she confesses she's having an issue with it, that's a perfect opening to say something to her like, "well, I like you the way you are - you don't have to lie or gossip." Or something like that anyway. Maybe a little less "after school special" but you get the point....

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she told my husband today that I was cheating on him grr! he didn't believe her, but thought he should let me know that she was telling people that, and that she had this elaborate story about my "affair", I am somewhat of a public figure and I have to go through and figure out how to fix this now, I dropped her, cut ties, told her she isn't welcome around me until she can be honest and trustworthy..I wonder what the aftermath from that will be.

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