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When you cut down the flow of air to the brain it releases endorphins and that's what gets your girlfriend off. It's called erotic asphyxiation and while not rare, I don't think it's that common.


You have to be really careful as many people do die accidentally from it as they push the edge to get a bigger buzz.


I'm not going to tell you to do it or not to do it, but if you do then be incredibly careful, too strong a hold can damage the voice box or cause death.

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Eeep, this is actually VERY dangerous. You could crush her trachea, do major damage to her throat and vocal cords. You're also cutting off oxygen to the brain, which can cause gradual brain damage if you're doing this alot. It's very very very dangerous to cut off someone else's breathing, particularly if you're doing it during sex, when you're distracted and might not notice if she passes out, or shows other signs of distress. At the very least, if you're going to do this, make sure it's in a well lit area and you keep a phone near by to call for help if something happens.


Also, legally, this is tricky. It'd be a good idea to make sure that you get written, signed, and notarized (sp?) consent to this activity, just in case your grrrlfriend gets seriously injured/dies and you end up in court.

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In my opinion I do not think it would be a good practice to indulge in the choking/asphyxia during sex. There are just too many risky possibilities of things that could happen.


I am sure you would never intentionally take it too far, but accidents and unintentional things sometimes happen no matter how careful we feel we are being. Use much caution if you proceed with this activity.

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