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General relationship question?

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Hey guys I have some general questions for the forum.


1. Do yu think that if you are truly in love with a person, that you can fall out of love with that person? or do you learn to live with out them?


2. Do you believe that if you are meant to be with a person you find your way back to that person? even if several months or even years has passed?


3. Do you think that even if you do not talk with your ex anymore, they just stop caring? Do they stop thinking about you?


4. Do you think that your ex always will contact you at some point? Especially when you least expect it?


Just some questions, I would like to see what you all think.

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1.) No if you are truly in love with a person then they will be in your heart always. You can learn to live without them but they will still live some where inside of you.


2.) No, If you want to find your way back to that person you will regardless of what is meant to be.


3.) Depends on how they felt about you in the first place. Depends on how the relationship ended. They may think of you well and they may wish you were dead.


4.) NO

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Hello, these are good questions. I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.


1. When you truly love someone you will always have a place from them in your heart. You never truly forget them they will always be a part of you. I think that the intense feelings associated with love can dwindle, but the foundation will always remain. We learn to live without that person in our lives. So you could say that is falling out of love with them, but chances are if you look deep inside you still have feelings for them no matter how it ended.


2. You are asking to I believe in fate/destiny? I believe in large part that you control your life. There is a path that your life is suppose to take, it is our choice to follow that path. I think that we are generally compatible with most people. As long as they are ready and willing for a relationship. I don't really believe that there is only one 'soul mate' out there for you. You can have a great relationship with many people.


3. Well like I said in Answer 1, you never truly forget your Ex, nor would they forget you. This doesn't mean they cannot love another and be completely happy with them. It means that they will always have a place for you in their hearts.


4. I think your ex will contact you if they chose to. I don't believe there is some force compelling them to contact you other then there own emotions and feelings. It's up to you to deicide what to do if this event ever does happen.


I hope these answer your questions. They are of course just my opinions, but you may find some insight into them.

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1. Do yu think that if you are truly in love with a person, that you can fall out of love with that person? or do you learn to live with out them?


I don't think you ever stop loving someone you truly love. You learn to live without them. I still love my ex, but I am so mad at him too that I can't stand to be around him/talk to him at all. But over the past 6-7 months I've learned to live without him. The things that helped the most were:

Not talking to him.

Going out with friends.

Flirting with other guys.

Enjoying doing things I've always wanted to do.


I also have another ex from 3 years ago that I didn't talk to for a long time, but I talk to him now, and I love him more than ever, but only in the friend sense.


2. Do you believe that if you are meant to be with a person you find your way back to that person? even if several months or even years has passed?


Absolutely. But both have to think that theyre meant to be together.


3. Do you think that even if you do not talk with your ex anymore, they just stop caring? Do they stop thinking about you?


That really depends on what kind of person they are. I know my ex didn't stop caring. He still e-mails me about once a month to let me know he's still there and wants to talk when I'm ready. Needless to say I'm not ready yet. But if you had a long enough relationship, and there was enough love between you, they can never forget about you or stop caring for you.


4. Do you think that your ex always will contact you at some point? Especially when you least expect it?


Mine definently has. My car broke down a few months back and while i was waiting over an hour for a tow truck, he called me. Quite bizzarre. I'm waiting for it to happen again. Maybe he's waiting for me to contact him.


Anyway, even though they are short answers, I hope they help.

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1. Do yu think that if you are truly in love with a person, that you can fall out of love with that person? or do you learn to live with out them?


Love has a different definition to everyone, whether or you fall in or out of love with a person, at least you had the love. As for falling out of love, I think you always do remember the person and have a sense of love for them but the 'in love' part can go away.


2. Do you believe that if you are meant to be with a person you find your way back to that person? even if several months or even years has passed?


If you get back with that person and you stay with them forever then you really are meant to be with them.



3. Do you think that even if you do not talk with your ex anymore, they just stop caring? Do they stop thinking about you?


I think if you're not in contact for a while some people tend to forget, especially when they end up being with someone else. There always the possibility that you can get back together.


4. Do you think that your ex always will contact you at some point? Especially when you least expect it?


Not always, but they may just try and find you one day. It happens all the time.

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