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Argh these past few days have been sooo unbelievebly hard, upsetting and confusing but finally i've done it. I've ended the long distance relationship with my boyfriend


He's been ignoring me since Thursday night which didn't help then along with many other things i've heard from people, I just got tipped over the edge.


I text him (the only way I could since he doesn't live near me and he's ignoring my phone calls) and told him that he' not being fair, that it's not a proper relationship when it's all one sided and that if he wants to change my mind he's gonna have to try very hard because I'm not happy at the moment.


I love him so much and I can't believe I've did this but it's for the best right?

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Yeah he's fine, he's been online, on myspace talking to his friends, at a party with people that I know and they've been asking about us and I'm all like "well I dunno i haven't spoken to him" and our friend is lke "oh well he seemed fine at the party".


I know it's probably just because he has no credit on his phone, but still, h could answer when I phone him or reply on MSN/Myspace



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Hrmmm.... I just went almost 20 days ignoring Trevor because I was too out of it to talk, but he understood... It sounds to me like there is more to this than him just not making himself available to talk... Is there??


I dunno...the last thing he said to me was "you hate me don't you" and then nothing =[ so i'm so confused I don't know what to do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

a person who does care for you, will never ignore you, instead he would rather set the not available status at his msn to not be annoyed while chatting with you.

cause of distance, he has to be the one who is searching for a way to keep touch, i know you love him but analize if he also does it to you, just think about this.

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