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A question, Ladies

Kevin T

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How does a man who displays masculinity appear? I.e. what are some traits or behavior that you find attractive in a guy who is "masculine?" It can be anything, something he says, something he does, his body language, etc. I know there's a lot which goes into it, so just pick a couple things that you find most appealing about a man who you would deem as "masculine."


Thanks in advance.

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Tall, hairy, and smelly. Yep. heh, just kidding.


Well, I know one guy who always has a sort of cocky pose- either leaning back with his arms behind his head or crossing his arms, drawing attention to his arm muscles. And he walks tall with a leisurely pace (not fast, but not really slow either) He always keeps his legs farther apart when he sits down (he's taking up more space, which looks masculine) He also looks very calm, cool, and confident. He doesn't say rude things or mock people. Isn't loud and obnoxious. Just quiet and intelligent in class and voices his opinion often- but doesn't try to show off or anything like some lame guys.


I've had really strong feelings toward this guy for ages, and he's what pops into my head when I think of a masculine guy.


Hope this helps!

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Confidence in particular in the way he carries himself, a deep voice, a dislike of much chatty "girl talk" and a logical as opposed to emotional way of speaking. Chivalrous behavior and a way of appreciating a woman's feminine qualities. A bit on the reserved side.


I am turned off romantically by an effeminate voice or too flamboyant gestures.

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I'd have to say confidence. I wouldn't say that being masculine in and off itself is a turn on - people who work too hard to boost their masculinity are often insecure, the type that put other people off to give themselves a jump start, the type that touts their body fat % at the slightest suggestion of a compliment on his body... Masculinity starts being a turn off when it's used as compensation for something else.


A sense of humor is attractive, but other personality traits are equally important like sensitivity and thoughtfulness (which aren't implied by masculinity). I don't find that stubborness associated with masculine guys who refuse to take directions from strangers very appealing. But I suppose stature is something physical that works for guys, and being in shape helps (but the value in that is more for health reasons and confidence than aesthetic value).


To be honest, I'm more interested in how a guy complements my personality than how masculine he is (masculinity really doesn't mean anything until it starts getting feminine). Hmm... Maybe I just have a very feminist idea of masculinity... who knows?

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Tall, hairy, and smelly. Yep. heh, just kidding.


Well, I know one guy who always has a sort of cocky pose- either leaning back with his arms behind his head or crossing his arms, drawing attention to his arm muscles. And he walks tall with a leisurely pace (not fast, but not really slow either) He always keeps his legs farther apart when he sits down (he's taking up more space, which looks masculine) He also looks very calm, cool, and confident. He doesn't say rude things or mock people. Isn't loud and obnoxious. Just quiet and intelligent in class and voices his opinion often- but doesn't try to show off or anything like some lame guys.


I've had really strong feelings toward this guy for ages, and he's what pops into my head when I think of a masculine guy.


Hope this helps!


very charming. i find guys like that mature and masculine too... definitely attractive

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