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She Called!!!--what to do now?

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Hello There!!!

We'll 2 weeks ago .. I told my ex that I was done living a roller coaster relationship, (we have been broken up for 8 months, but we would go 2-3 weeks without talking, then 2 weeks of talking, then back to not-talking .. it got very confusing as you can imagine)

Anyway, I want to be with her, and she know this .. but basically I told her to figure it out, and that I could not talk to her as a friend. We are both 25 years old.

Well, this Friday .. something made me think of her .. and I text messaged her.

"Hey there, I know I'm not suppose to make contact with you, but I hope things work out. I miss you so Much"

I did not hear back from her till Saturday .. she called me at 11a, 6p, 9p Texted at 9:30p and called again at 11pI.

( would have loved to talk to her on Saturday, but with being with my friends, I wanted to prevent myself from getting upset, fustrated, ect. She left no message on my phone, so I did not know why she was calling)


With the above story .. I waited and called her on Sunday. We talked for a bit, then at the end, I was like, It was nice talking to you, I guess I'll talk to you later. We'll she got all mad, and was like. I expect when I call someone, to pick up the phone or call me back, then she hung up.


I know, long story .. with alot of missing info. But thats the bulk of it. I called her over and over on Sunday, but she would not answer.


So what should I do? forgot about it? wait till she calls me. I have no clue even why she called in the first place.



Seeking Advice Please


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oh how frustrating it is when i call someone and he doesnt pick up.

blv me she has the right to get pist, but she'll cool down.... we always do heh

just chill and wait , if she didnt call back, then call her im sure she'd pick up when she has cooled down


Goodluck! see ya!

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So let me get this right. She gives you the silent treatment when you are together and now your not she ignores your phone calls?


Sorry you won't like what I'm about to say: Forget about her. She's not being very sociable towards you and it's quite obvious that in the long run things can only get worse.


It sounds like their is little holding you both together except for feelings that you had for each other once a long time ago. Those feelings of attraction don't tend to leave us very easily despite the fact that they should.


From what I've read on your message things will only get worse. If you have any personal possessions at her place get them and get out of her life. She's no good for you if she's going to treat you like garbage and ignore you at every opportunity.


Get out there and rediscover the other fine women the world has to to offer. There is always better out there.

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Well you are in a vicious cycle. Like you said good for 2 weeks bad for 2, up and down. You have gotten yourself stuck in the routine, now you are both comfortable with it. Unfortunately it is self-destructive and will never end. Only by breaking free from the cycle (read: change the variables) can you escape it. You cannot win; you are stuck in a stalemate.


Once you realise this and acknowledge it you will see a viable solution present its self. Remember. Do not fight the system… change it.

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