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i like my roommate/housemate

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help! i moved into a house with strangers on sunday. (its a college town and i answered an ad)... the guy who answered the door when i came to move my stuff in... im like in love w/ him. it's one of those things where you meet someone and you're like "i really really like you" (ive had this happened 2 or 3 times in my life)... i dont think he knows very many people here... my brother was moving my stuff in with me and he helped us move some things. when he and my brother were in the hall he asked my brother if he (my brother) was my boyfriend and than was like "cause thats kinda like a boyfriend job (moving me in)" do you think this means anything? like he wants to know if i have a bf or was he just making conversation?.... also me and this guy both have single rooms but we sort of share a bathroom.... which is odd..... i don't know what to do... help....

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i want his friendship bad. lol. how can i tell if he likes me? like the power went out in my room and i was blowdrying my hair in the living room and he went running upstairs to fix it for me... i feel like he could like me or he could just be trying to make friends (cause we live together and i dont think he knows a lot of ppl here)...

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I'd just wait a while. You've only been living there what? 3 days? You don't wanna scare him off! Just see what happens. You'll figure it out.


And as for the bf comment- wouldn't you like to know general stuff like that about your roomates? If a girl had asked the same thing would you assume she liked you? (I see where you're coming from but I wouldn't read too much into it). And as for the power, I think some men just like to fix things!


I'm not saying he doesn't like you, he very well could, I'm just saying don't stress too hard just yet. It's not even been a week.

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lol, there is a gay guy who lives there also and he just sort of laughed when i said the power was out... and no one else asked if my brother was my boyfriend... and i think if a girl asked she wouldnt follow with a self conscious "cause that's something a boyfriend does" (as if shes explaining herself... if it's a harmless question... what is there to explain?) also he's hot and i really really like him. lol. but he was sort of standoffish when he opened the door. lol. i was like "hi im laura im moving in here today blablabla" (standing in the doorway) and hes like ok, and he walked me upstairs and knocked on the door of the other roommates to introduce me to them/have them interrogate me (cuz i only met a couple of them so far and they didnt know about letting me live there)... if he liked me he could have said "oh well the roommates arent so sure about having you sign the lease, lets talk to them" but he just sort of ambushed me (in a way) (he did not tell me where we were going just knocked on the door, i thought he was taking me to my room..)

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ok so over the past few days there have been some interesting occurrences with my boyfriend/roommate/boyfriend haha, on tues night i was leaving the house to go to the gym (in a cute gym outfit) and he's at the bottom of the stairs (wearing no shirt...half naked) and is like "oh i didn't know you were home" (and the other roommates are sitting in the adjacent room) and im like "well i am home, but now im going to the gym" and hes like "oh you're a busy bee" i know calling me a busy bee is corny, but still that's very flirtatious (but in a respectful "we-live-together-i-don't-want-to-creep-you-out manner")


also the next day... we have a four car garage and his car was stuck in front of mine when i had to bring my mom her car (i only mention this because perhaps he feels a little guilty for leaving his car parked (and trapping mines behind his and not leaving his keys) so he's trying to be nice to me??? but i did sort of scratch his car when i managed to get mine out in the narrow space..) in any event that day he met my mom. he complimented the plates i bought and put in the cupboard. he's like "those square plates are awesome" really what guy notices plates??? then the next day i noticed he put the plates on their own shelf (i had had them underneath a big bowl cause i didn't know where to put them)....


then today i took my car out late and he left a note on my door saying he would move my car in the morning if i left the keys downstairs (when i had already discussed my arrangements for parking with one of the other housemates because i knew people were leaving early and i sleep until atleast noon haha) she and him watch gray's anatomy together so i'm sure if they both were leaving early he would have found out what was up from her... so he leaves a note on my door saying he'll move my car... to me that shows he's thinking about me and wanted to talk to me/get closer to me... i think leaving a note on my door is a personal gesture like trying to get closer to me... i could not picture my female roommates doing that (ok maybe i could, but why him???)... also he and i share a bathroom (his bathroom has a shower, mine has just a tub, so i have to use his shower), all this time he has been locking the bathroom (in september a different girl lived in my room) but since i mentioned how it was annoying to knock on his door to another roommate he now leaves it unlocked... so either he's a really really really nice guy and is this nice to everyone OR he digs me and wants to make me feel comfortable here. gee i don't know.


he has a real job and is a full time college student so i cant imagine him having enough time to devote to being this nice to me unless he was into me.. i mean i understand we're housemates and he wants to get along but thats a lot of nice gestures (noone else has extended themselves this much at all)... also i'm kind of wary of new roommates so i have been keeping to myself, maybe he's going out of his way because he can sense this, but then again why bother.. he just met me what does he care? why do all this trying to be nice to me unless he has a humongous crush on me also?!! lol so what do you think of that?

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I'll tell you what I think of that.... I think you have made your mind up about him being madly in love with you. If I was you I would stop reading so much in to little things that could mean anything. Sooner or later you are going to get very hurt. I'm not saying he does not have a crush on you, but I would settle down a bit. I always go out of my way to make a new house mate feel good when they move in, its what you do in my opinion and maybe his too.

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I agree with rowboat. 100%


And just to add to that, I am a school teacher and last year one of my students gave me a mug that said 'Busy Bee' on it. I am guessing it's because teacher's are busy people, not becasue they were being flirtatious. Just wanted to point that out.

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um if a girl called me busy bee (who wasnt 5 years old and i wasnt her teacher) i would be weirded out.. anyway since then.. this morning he had to move his car and i tried to move it but i couldnt get it into drive, so i reversed it until it was in the middle of the street (Lol) then went to go get him. and he's like "ok well ill show you what to do in case this happens again" so he gets in the drivers seat (and i stood at the driver's side window cause i didn't have time to be lolly gagging around) and he sits like in a sexually aggressive manner legs open towards me (the drivers door was still open) (sorry if thats retarded or vulgar)... he only wanted to have me in his car with him.. also about the cars the other roommate was saying how i need to park my car on the street cause she has an 8am class and is going to be late if she has to move my car all the time (because i always come home after her) and he said she should just get up ten minutes earlier (he gets up really early every morning.. he was defending me.. awww) also twice he has been watching tv late at night and when i came downstairs to do something (get my laundry, get a snack) and went back upstairs, he stopped watching tv and went to his room.. as if he was waiting for me (in the back of his mind) and when i made my appearance he saw no point in hanging around


also i never said he was in love with me...


in fact i was just trying to figure out if he liked me or is he was just being nice cause i'm his roommate so

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oh and he just called me to ask me when i was coming home (in relation to my car and parking...pfft ya right) (my car is already in the driveway) and then he said he was gonna come to my room cause it was stupid to talk to me on the phone. and im in my robe (about to take a shower) and im like "im gonna take a shower" so then he knocks on the door and he's like blablabla parking and then he's like "also we need to hang out cause we live together and i like to get to know the people i live with... you could be an axe murderer and i would have no way of knowing" and hes like "and i would have to find out but you probably wouldnt tell me" and im like "but maybe you could figure it out" and hes like "and if i found out i would have to keep my door locked at night" .... that was weirddddd

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ok i know noone replied to my last post (thanks guys) but, since then the guy keeps moving my car and he brought my keys to my room it's pretty obvious he likes me.. anyway there are two girls who live here also (they are best friends) and lately they have been being not so nice to me (i didnt know why, when i first got here they were fake-nice but since then they've been kind of not that interested in talking to me)... and tonight we had a house meeting.... and the guy (we will call him orlando bloom) was not there yet... and the one girl is talking to him on the phone going "orlando are you on a date? are you having sex?" and the other girl is looking at me each time she says "date" and theres another girl who keeps looking at me also, when she says "date".


and then the girl tells me, we'll call her dana, that orlando woke her up when he was talking to me in the hall (this is when he said we should hang out). and i just sat there quiet.


and then the other one is like "something's off about him, we're not sure if he's gay or what"...


then the guy gets in and dana yells at him about something stupid, so he gets pissed...


and then they tell me they think orlando has a secret crush on dana... and im just like "mmhmmm"


so w-t-f is going on... help....

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walkingwithaghost, you are adorable! I don't mean that in a condisending manner, I really mean it, in a on-the-forum-reading-your-very-thourough-play-by-play-amazing-analysis kind of way.

I hope you are majoring in writing of some type. You'd write killer books or be a good entertainment writer.


That is my main point. Ill also throw in my $0.02 worth. You seem to have an incredible since for details and observation, probably much higher than the average joe, thus, maybe some of the things you site are actions he is doing with no purpose or intention. I could be wrong, but if I am he sure is calculating. As long as you keep writing your saga I'll keep reading, can't wait to see where this goes. I hope by xmas we'll be reading about him as your bf

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So thereare about 5 or 6 people in this house? It was one of the non Orlando guys who gave you the goahead to move in and the other roomates didn't know? What r u all having a house meeting about?


I think if Orlando is streight (I like those plates, I'm giving them thier own special shelf) he probably like both you and Dana, and he's hedging his bets by keeping the flirt on with both of you to see who pans out. Throwing out his net to see what he catches. You want him you need to play it a bit coy, aluff hard to get. Just be a busy bee when he[s around

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hey, so it's kind of a fact that he is head over heels in love with me. lol. today i had an early exam which i did really good on so i was in an excellent mood. i'm in the kitchen making some lunch and he comes in, dressed for sports practice or whatever. and he says nothing to me. so i'm like "hi" (in this obvious/"youre rude to not say hi manner") and he's like "hi" then he told me he practices sport 11 times a week and im like "wow thats almost twice a day, don't break anything." he laughed. i smiled he smiled, it was quite nice. he poured himself a glass of water and i opened a bottle of dannon. then tonight i'm painting my bathroom and he visits me in my room. (again). he hung around here for 2 hours while i painted. we talked a lot.


i told him what the 2 chicks said, that he had a crush on the one girl, he told me how he thought "she was a very pretty girl, but any feeling there is mutual." that was not the answer i was looking for. but atleast he's being honest and it was basically "ya she's hot i would F her but she would F me too".


also he told me he doesn't like/trust the other housemates anymore because they're fake due to how the meeting went down and how they're trying to control the house. he told me they came into my room when i wasn't there to inspect the fact i was painting it.


this got me suspicious that maybe they went through my personal things before (like this thread or my journal) and found out i was into him. they then told him (so know he's into me and coming onto me) and the rest of the house (so now they're looking at me when ppl talk about him being on dates?)???


i dont know. i dont care really,


also he knew when my birthday was! how would he know that if he wasnt paying attention to me?


oh i started getting really mad when he told me they came into my room, and he's like "calm down, dont even worry about that" i thought that was really cool. guys who tell you to relax are hooottt.


then the other roommate came into the house and shouted up to me "Laura are you there?" she did this cause she saw him leaving my room. this girl never talks to me. she was only trying to find out if me and him were hanging out...

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ok so the thing with the cars. i slept at my parents house last night, actually i didn't sleep there cause i was up all night studying then i took the nj turnpike back to school and took an exam. i have that sexy slightly disheveled look going. anyway. so i am standing in the living room and people have to move their cars. someone has to get Orlando. he is sleeping, i can't believe they're gonna wake him up to move his car when everyone knows he wakes up at 6am and he's just taking a nap.


i don't say anything particular about "dont wake up Orlando" i just dumbly say "everyones keys are here" (as in you dont need to wake him up just move the car yourself) and i go to my room. and wait to be summoned. to move my station wagon. so i come downstairs and stand in the doorway and he's sitting in a chair right by the doorway and i'm timid. i don't know what to say. but i look at him and he's looking at me and he looks away. then we move our cars. he is talking to Dana. then they go back in the house and he waits for me to catch up to them and holds the door open for me. i don't say anything I just go to my room. I dont even say thank you. I want to roll my eyes. he's annoying. what does this do for me. not a whole lot. theres still about 10 more hours left lol.


I mean he's trying to make me feel included or he's into me... or he's into everyone (dana included who looked really cute today.) and he just doesnt care. the whole thing annoyed me.. it was like he excpected me to be jealous and annoyed that they were talking so he held the door for me....

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...If anyone cares... To end the saga or begin the saga that is my saga-cious life.


On friday night he asked me out. But it was cute if not corny. It was like 630 and he knocks on my door. (I was out all day, i tend to avoid this house) and he asks me if I want to see a play at 8. I'm like "im going to the gym..." He's like "we can go later.." (It's a sketch comedy thing for students, not like "The Theatre" so we decide on 830.)


Then at 8 he checks up on me, cause he didnt think i had gone to the gym... (I went in and out unnoticed, I like to do that also, I dont like my housemates to be all up in my beeswax about my comings and goings so quite often I slip in and out unnoticed.)


Then he tells me he's waiting in his room with his friend Adam!!!


his friend adam? How you gonna ask me to a play and bring your friend Adam? r u on crack???


So in his doorway I blow up his spot... and am like "Did you invite the other roommates" (they are within ear shot) and hes like "Uh no theyre staying in tonight."


Because I was like what are you trying to do? Make this a roommate-group outting or a date? But I understand where he is coming from. And I was reallly grateful his friend was there because it was consequentially far more chill...


After the play we came back here. And by then the roommates were having a little party. So we hung out on the living room couch talking while they were in the basement. The girl who he supposedly has a crush on was dancing like a *insert sound that Santa Claus makes here* in front of him. And he was just chilling. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her though. Because he mentioned how her and her boyfriend (who is a ridiculous looking cop) were having a lovers quarrel.


Then at like 2 am when everyone had went to sleep. The head girl is still hanging out with us, for no good reason! Her dumb boyfriend kept saying "lets go to bed" (in his slow country drawl). I'm not an idiot, I knew she was only sitting there because she did not want to leave him and I alone. So I just left the room. Silently. haha.


Then she went to bed. And I saw him going to bed. And I was like "hey come back downstairs" So we went back downstairs and talked until like 4 am. Just talked. I was sitting on the couch a couple minutes after we had returned and The Girl came downstairs and grilled me suspiciously like George Forman. I told him about all of my suspiciouns with regards to the two girls and he shrugged apathetically but couldn't help but agree.


He told me he's a recovering alcoholic/gambling addict... Maybe that's why he's taking things slow??? Also this was Friday. Today I went to work at 10am then went home as I thought it would be the smartest thing to do to pull the old disappearing act after he and I hung out... He can mull things over..




Incidentally his friend seemed to know all about me. He said "We're going late because it took him so long to ask you out" and he said "she scratched your car!!" all surprised and disappointed in Orlando as in "I can't believe you like a girl so much who scratched your fricking car" haha...


it was an accident.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ahhh, excuse me, sweetie. But get back here. Thats not the end of the saga. You have to live with the guy. Don't tell me what with you, Orlando and Dana and everyoner else swarming around like a swarm of busy bees moving each other's cars around that the plot will not thikin. Buy the end of the school year in May you will have gone thru a BFF stage with Dana and maybe dated and broke up with Orlando. Hey, how are the plates your mom bought you working out with the others? Do they use them / enjoy them as much as Orlando? See I was always concerned that Orlando even noticed / commented on the plates, much less gently stacked the on a better shelf. He's changing the shelf evberyones plates are on just like all that musical cars you all do.

Anyway. An update wouldnt kill ya

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