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Starting sales job soon - advice&tips needed!

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Hi guys im starting a new sales job in a few days and i would so appreciate some advice. I have done selling before and i seem to do well in it, but this is a more fast-paced company and obviously depending on how good a sales person you are, you can easily climb up the ladder.


So i want to be AT LEAST as good as the average person there, its a telesales job selling advertisements and upselling is very important.


Any advice??

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oh i know that. i had someone one time say to me "Please add me to your do-not-call list".


I dont mind the yelling and stuff. It doesnt affect me in the slightest. Im just looking for tips so if you have any tips for me i would appreciate it.

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I think the most obvious, but most often neglected advice is "know your product". I don't have the slightest idea what you're selling, but be ready to tell the potential customer everything about it, and how badly they need it, even if they want to know how to take it apart You're not going to convince everyone they need whatever it is, and a few people were going to buy if you had a monkey pitch it to them, the better salesman (person?) is the one that can convince the one who's curious but not interested yet.


Good luck, and congrats on the new job!

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In addition to Know your product, it's important to know your customer, who are you trying to reach? how will this benefit them? why is your product better for them?


I used to try to practice my sales pitch with friends and ask them to play devil's advocate, and believe me it helped me think of quick accurate answers when I had a friend who would say "I don't think I need that" or "that's a lot of money for nothing isn't it?"

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Yes, know who your customers are and what is important to them in buying the product. Also, in college I took a sales class and they talked about recognizing different personality types of your customers. Like if someone is more assertive or if someone is more laid back. It helps to know how to talk to someone if they have a certain way of doing things. I can't remember what those groups were called. Basically, know if there is a certain need your customer has and how you can fulfill that need.

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