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4 months ago I started seeing my boyfriend. We've already grown a lot together, and have a very good relationship. We began as friends, became lovers, made a commitment to be exclusive, and haven't looked back since. The only reservation I sometimes have is the fact that he has herpes. I have educated myself about it, though, and am now willing to make more progress in our sex life. He and I have so much in common, and seem to have the same outlook on life and people. We spend almost every day together. He supports me in everything. So what's the problem?

4 months ago I made a break from a guy I was seeing for about 6 months. He and I never got into a committed relationship, and for the most part it was strictly physical. And this physical relationship was very intense and powerful. Towards the end, an emotional bond began to form, but I gave up on it. It was too difficult to wait and see what would happen. I felt disappointed that he wasn't into it as much as I was. He needed time to heal from a breakup (6 yrs w/ a girl), but I got involved with him anyway. When that ended, there was a lot of bad feelings and uncertainty.

Recently he had a change of heart. He knows I've "moved on" but he wants to try again. He wants all the things he never wanted before. And he's been sincere about it. He has expressed he knows I'm the one not available now, so he doesn't know what to do but tell me how he feels. He contacts me often, but I barely reply. He holds on to hope.

Here's where I'm at: I still love him. I still think about him. I still cry over what may have been.

I also really like my current boyfriend. We didn't start off on the wrong foot. We clicked from the start. But I don't feel like I love him yet. I probably will, but right now...

And I can't help but think about the sexual relationships here. My current bf, I can't have it all with. My ex, we did have it all.

I'm so confused. Is there anything I can do to help this situation, or will only time tell?

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