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Am I a fool for loving her so much ?....she won't wait..WHY

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Hi Everyone

I have wrote of this before, but I would still like some feedback as to this situation, it seems to change by the week, or at least what I am told changes !!!!.

I have been in a long distance cyber relationship for almost a year, we have chatted, webcam'ed, gifts , cards, and we both pledged our love for each other, she could not travel to the UK to visit me because of her job/kids/situation.

I was unable to give her a certain date for me to visit the US ( Job/ situation etc) but promised I would visit....that visit is due in 6 weeks.....she now tells me their is someone else,has been for 3 months and she has feelings for him, and is spending time with him.......but she says she loves me and still wants me to visit. Confused YOU BET I AM

Should I travel 1000s of miles .....to see what happens.....and risk further heartache or end it quietly now.....not ever holding her in my arms......I am hurting so much.....please tell me what you think I should do......Thanks for reading this marty

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Whoa Marty, this is a tricky one.

If you don't go you could spend the rest of your life wondering what would of happened, but if you do go then you may end up hurting even more.

If she has feelings for this other man, then you may well end up getting hurt, which is a hard thing to face, It is a long way to travel if you are going to have it all thrown back in your face.

On the flipside, this women may be the perfect one for you, and you will never know unless you go. She may be spending time with this other man, because you are not there, it must be very hard to sustain a cyber relationship over a long period of time, because to put it bluntly you would be missing the physical side of the relationship. Perhaps she has been spending time with this guy as he is there and you are not.

Really Marty, you need to speak to the lady in question. None of us can answer on her behalf, because we don't know what she is feeling. You have to bite the bullet, and talk to her, tell her exactly what your thoughts and fears are, and she will be able to tell you hers.

Good luck with whatever happens, take care

Angel xxxxx

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