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After 3 weeks of torturing myself about why my ex broke up with me and having NC with her, she started messaging me and we had it out... me wanting to know why she would want to end something so good and then it hit me, I had a moment of clarity.


It doesn't actually matter why, I know how much of a good person I am and I will find someone worthy of my love and attention.


She's made a stupid mistake chucking me.

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It's really awesome that you realise that, but the hard thing is to keep on believing that about yourself!


You WILL find someone worthy of your love and attention. I wish I hadn't obsessed so much about my break-up. I'm finally realising that I'm awesome enough to find someone better.


Just remind yourself (not her) every day that she made a stupid mistake. And move on!

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It's tough to look at it this way, but imagine that the person you are meant to be with wouldnt toss you aside or idly breakup when something is going their way.


Real relationship take a lot of work and ultimately love must conquer all. We should feel badly for these people who so cavalierly throw love away because it is most likely they will do so again, and again, and again.


Congrats, Zombian. You are awesome!




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I totally agree Orlander, seen it in my own life with my ex. She has thrown away at least 3 relationships in a row of 4 years or more (with at least one person who loved her to death) as you say so cavalierly because things werent all perfect or didnt change fast enough for her.


She will keep doing it over and over again unless something changes. I think one day I will feel sorry for her. but maybe she has met her match. We all deserve better though than to just be tossed aside.

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I was fearing that my new outlook would fade overnight but it really hasn't - I feel great today.


Sure I still love her and I miss her but if she can't see how good she had it then she isn't worth my efforts to win her back.


I even had a little chat with her today and felt absolutely fine about it.


And I've also just been offered a job teaching English in Rio at the start of 2007... and I think we all know the quality of Brazilian women!


Life is good.


Thank y'all, this messageboard has really helped.

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Hey Z-


That's great you are making such strides with this. I would like to say if you do get down about this at some point, that is OK. You love her and miss her. I've felt great before immediately after a break-up for a couple of days, even weeks, then hit a period of feeling like death. So if that happens, it's just the normal run of grief, stay strong, and we're here for you...

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  • 1 month later...

After a nice healthy dose of regression I'm back to thinking and knowing that I'm awesome. Sure I still love my ex and want her back but I'm not dwelling on it anymore.

She may well realize one day what she has thrown away - a guy that loved her completely despite of all of her failings... or she may not but the key is I'll be fine regardless.


Any other awesome folks out there? (as if I didn't already know )

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