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There's this girl who (I think) likes me, and I like her too. But the thing is, she was born here (English is her mother tongue) while I was born in another country (I'm an ESL--English is my 2nd language). There are instances that I find people, who are born here, intimidating to talk to (She's one of them, although she has a very nice personality). Anyways, I'm not shy, but everytime I have the chance to tell her my feelings, I get mind block, everything that I want to say is on the tip of my tongue and I can't say it (I'm not even nervous when approching her). So it ends up as a miss opportunity. What should I do to prevent having mind blocks?

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Okay people.

It might be hard to speak to these people that you like, but it is the same for everyone. Everyone gets shy and nervous around people that they like, you just have to bite the bullet and go for it. You will never know if that person likes you or not, unless you tell them, perhaps they are having the very same problem, and are to shy to tell you that they like you.

I am in the same situation as both of you, my first language is English but I live in Spain, so Spanish is my second language. I know how frustrating it can be when you just can't seem to get your point accross, but I think both of you seem to have a good command of the English language.

I think you should just go for it, tell this girl that you like her, and is the worst happens and she doesn't like you, you will get over it. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself of and get on with your life.

Take care and good luck


Angel xx

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To Setsuko and Dark-


I can understand how English being a SECOND language can be confusing and intimidating. I imagine thinking things in two languages can be strenuous. But it will not matter to anyone who is worth your time.


No doubt it will take some work to get your feelings accross. But if the person you are speaking with is REALLY worth the effort, you will find a way.


As for having a mind block when you go to talk to this person, Setsuko... Try writing down what you want say when you are not nervous. Sometimes writing things down gets them straight in your head and it won't be such a challenge to express yourself when the time comes to talk to her. And I think once you start talking all the nervousness and mind blocks will drop away.


Good luck to you both...

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