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I'm totally procrastinating while packing up my stuff to move out the apt I share with my ex-boyfriend, but I was curious. Not sure if anyone here has read It's called a break up b/c it's broken by Greg and Amira Behrendt... but I just finished it and found it very helpful. I was totally skeptical at first because the guy was a consultant on Sex and the City (the most unrealistic show ever) and from what I can see on his talk show is a little weird. I haven't done all the activities he suggests, but just his funny tone and the light and interesting format of the book has made getting through my break up more bearable. I plan to read it again and do all of the suggested exercises but I was wondering if others have read other books pertaining to getting over a break up that were helpful. Thanks!

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i never read the whole thing, but i read about half of this book called letting go. unfortunately the name of the author escapes me, but i got it at barnes & noble, i think it's fairly popular.


it's basically a three-month plan for getting over a breakup. i thought it had some interesting ideas and was realistic about a lot of things. for example, it talked about how mutual friends are generally going to choose sides, and probably won't remain an equally good friend to both of you. that was very true in my experience, so it was good to have a heads-up.


the author tends to have strong opinions, some a bit controversial (she recommends finding a sex buddy), but she's mostly helpful.

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Thanks, Joyce. A sex buddy? Yikes! Right now the thought of holding hands with anyone else grosses me out. I'll look into the title though!


haha, agreed. for me, the sex buddy thing was a BIG no-no. as much as i wanted to get rid of the taste of my ex, i knew that was only going to make me feel worse. for some it's easier to have casual sex, but i didn't see that as something that was going to help my already low self-esteem. i value my body very highly...which is why i've only given it to one person.


i just thought to do a quick search on link removed, and here's all the info for the book:


Letting Go: A 12 Week Personal Action Program to Overcome a Broken Heart

by Zev Wanderer, Tracy Cabot


my only warning is that this focuses on the 12 weeks immediately after the breakup...depending on when your breakup was (i'm assuming it was roughly around july, since that's when you joined), some of the advice may seem irrelevant, because you might be over certain feelings. maybe stop by a bookstore, settle in on a couch and just browse.

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There's a book by Helen Gurley Brown called Having It All. It's fairly old but very very helpful. She's such a smart lady and I read the chapter on love like five times a week because it reminds me that I need to do the right thing...


See my signature-thingie? I have her quote and obviously the name of the book that helped you because even just that phrase helped me - IT IS BROKEN!!


Good luck darling!

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