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ok in new and going crazy

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hi yall in new to this board found it why googling how to rebuild trust...figures..ok here is what is going on i have been with my bf for 8 months and its been a rollercoaster ride of crazy emotions.. we have both cheated i cheated first only twice and he has cheated on me well i lost count...i moved up to alaska from washington and we were trying to rebuild out reletionship..well he went to california for a weekend and i snooped into his voicemail and email myspace everything..found out some crazy things that he had did and lied to me about while we were together andi fliped and starting talking to guys on the inet never met any of them and didnt intend to i was pissed and he knew my codes so i wanted him to find them ok i know stupid cuz now it has backfired and he says he can't trust me whatsoever so today i was on yahoo and one of the guys that i had talked to imed me so i deleted the message and blocked him well my bf walked in the door i told him about it and now he is pissed and he is telling me that i would of talked to him and blah blah blah i don't understand should i have not said anything i mean he thinks i was talking to him and i really wasn't help im very irritated not only with him but myself thanks

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Sounds like a "drama relationship"... not very healthy at all. I think you might want to re-evaluate what a healthy relationship menas to you. In the early stages of puppy-love and infatuation, if you guys are already cheating on each other (multiple times) I think you are setting yourself up for some serious hurt. The rollercoaster will not stop unless you decide to get off the ride.

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sounds like a whole lot of baggage to be worked out between the two of you... if you have only been together 8 months it might be best to just split and realize that cheating is bad, dont do it next time. Find another man, and try to be good to him.


With all the back and forth, cheating, texting, emails, voicemails, blah blah blah id be amazed to see anyone work through all that at this early stage in a relationship.

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