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So lately my gf of 1 year has been acting a little strange. Sometimes out of nowhere we will be talking and she will suddenly change a lot. Like the other day she was gonna come down and see me at college, and she didnt have a car so she said shed take the bus. and i said thats cool abd i would give her a ride back home later. All of a sudden she freaks out and insists she gets her brother to pick her up cause she doesnt want me to drive cause its too far. I had no problem driving her back and said I woul because its not a big deal. Then she starts balling about how she doesnt deserve me and how she treats me so bad.. And she does it so much more now, and i try to be supportive but that just makes her more sad because she feels she doesnt deserve me.. what can i do?

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Ugh, I totally understand your situation. My girlfriend feels this way alot. She had a previous 3 year relationship where she had been treated like absolute crap. She's got alot of emotional problems because of it, which take away from the effort she can put into our relationship. I go out of my way to make up for the hell she went through before me, and she feels bad because she can't give me the same effort.


Did your girl have any past relationships?

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Well we sort of had a rocky start and she didnt exactly treat me the best. In fact she treated me like * * * *, but something changed inside her, and she completely changed, for the better. She tells me a lot of times she remembers how she used to treat me and it kill her inside, and this causes her to feel like I can do better. She always says how she sees so many girls lookin at me, and I tell her I have no interest in them and that I am with her. I guess its just insecurity, but a lot of times it just comes out of nowhere, like we can be having a perfectly fine day and then she just breaks down..

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That doesn't sound healthy...


Have you talked with her about it? If not, a long, non-threatening heart-to-heart might clear things on your end. Be careful though, I've seen relationships collapse because the guy became so insistant on knowing that the girl felt overwhelmed... If she doesn't want to talk about it, all you can really do is acknowledge this and back off.

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