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To start this off my parents have this crazy mindset that I need to be getting an A in every class but our grading scale goes like 100-95% is an A then every 2 percent it drops a half grade so like 94-93 is an A- 92-90 is a B+ but anyway.


Mid-terms are coming up this Friday and I'm currently getting Cs into classes and i've always had trouble in math, and I know when they come out I'm going to get all my privelages taken away for maybe 2 weeks and then they'll be back and I just really don't care about my grades or school or anything anymore, because they've always pushed me saying "oh be like your sister your smart enough," but she just brown noses all the teachers according to her friends, my sister and I are almost exactly opposite and so I really don't care how things turn out in the long run even though I should.


I never used to try during school like taking notes or doing my homework (I always had someone else do it for me) but this year I've been doing my own homework and taking notes but I'm still frozen on tests but once again it just doesn't bother me, I can explain my answers on how I got that as an answer but it's not always right, once again not caring (you get the picture)


I think this is just mostly about my parents wanting me to be like my sister and I can't and I won't do that it just doesn't affect me at all, I do get along with all my teachers it's just that I don't care about the grades I'm getting even though I probably should.


Sorry for the long rant but I just needed to vent

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Well then do it for yourself.


I don' want to preach, but i was similar to you are in HS, (actually much worse). I look back and i know now i needed to do better. Too late for me.


Overall i think the harder you try at school the better you will feel about yourself, and the less you will have to listen to your folks. It is about you, they are your grades, all you need to do is make a decision for yourself, good grades, or mediocore grades. (I think i spelled the mediocore word incorrectly) See i didn't study hard enough. (Just kidding)


Take what you want and leave the rest.


Be well,


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