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My mom is going to destroy my relationship!!!

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I've been with this guy for about 1 1/2 years. Things are great with him, and he's really really the guy I want to be with forever. We get into little battles from time to time but we always seem to work them out or agree to disagree. But it's one little thing that bothers me.


Me and my mom don't get along at all. None what-so-ever. She's locked me out the house, treats me like crap, selfish, begs me for money, drinks, lazy, bashes the relationship i have with him, the whole nine. So he really doesn't like her either. But I always run to him when she makes me sad/mad. I've got to tell him the story. He's so easy to talk to. But lately I've been feeling that he's getting tired of me always b*tching and moaning about my mom. He's actually told me "you let too much stuff get to you, i don't know what to say everything i say is old i say everything i could". I know I have to put up with her until i can move out, so i just try to stay strong and press on. But when I do need some comfort I run to him, but it's like he's tired of it already. So I don't know what to do.

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yeah I live with her, so there's not much I can do about staying away. Unless I go outside. I try to avoid her as much as I can, but I don't have my own room, i sleep on my sisters floor.


She likes to just act like she runs everything in the house and can bust in anywhere she wants to. Even tho she doesn't pay any of the bills. I really just, don't know what to do at all.

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Can you talk to your sister about your mum? It sounds like she is sufferring from depression and may need professional help, especially if she wasn't always like this.


As the dad of a teenage daughter, there is a natural tendency for her to clash with my wife but I reassure her that she loves her just as much as I do, even though she is closer to me.


Is your dad with you or can you talk to him?

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