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I need to break up with my bf ASAP!! Please I need some help. I really want to do this soon so I hope someone replys with some encourgment and advice.


Ok, Ive been with him for a few months and I dont like where things are going, on top of this my parents dont know about him (they dont want me to have a bf just right now) and Im starting to feel guilty about it because Im disrespecting them and I dont want to do that. I know my parents want the best for me so I will repect their descions.


How should I do this!? Please help me


oh and the way im feeling is affecting on how im treating him, Im not 100% happy either.

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If you're asking for people to tell you what'll make you feel better this isnt the right forum to do so


He's a human being too, and focusing completely on how you feel and how you'd be affected is a bit selfish imho.


That aside, if you want to dump him do so and deal with the feelings that'll result from it. If you dont want to deal with those feelings than don't dump him. Dumping someone isnt easy, there's no simple/painless way to do it.

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there's really no good way to break up with someone but if you feel like things aren't working out then you should sit him down somewhere and have a talk. Tell him how you feel and why it isn't working out for you. Do this ASAP so that the both of you can move on in your lives. It may hurt him now...but trust me it's going to be better for the both of you in the long run.


And about your parents...that should have nothing to do with your decision. In fact your current bf has nothing to do with it. It is your relationship between you and your parents and why you feel like you have to hide things from them.

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If you're asking for people to tell you what'll make you feel better this isnt the right forum to do so


He's a human being too, and focusing completely on how you feel and how you'd be affected is a bit selfish imho.


Im not being selfish, Im actually feeling bad about the whole situation, I am taking his feelings into consideration, if I wasnt I wouldnt be feeling so down.

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You don't like where things are going, where are they going?


Your parents don't know. How old are you for them to care?


Your disrespecting them. It says "honor" your father and mother not live for them.


My advise would depend on what's going on in your life and for you to be honest with yourself. By being on this forum shows you're not selfish and it's good you're taking his feeling into consideration.

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No one's going to tell you what to do, or hold your hand as you go through it. If you feel you need to break up with him, then break up with him. Explain your reasons and let him know it's not working out.


Are you looking for a decision, or validation for the decision you've already made..? =)

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Simply tell him that the relationship isn't working for you and that you are going to break up with him. You don't have to give specific reasons because that may lead to him arguing or making promises to change. Just say that the feelings that you had for him were not strong enough to stay in the relationship any longer and that your decision is final. Say it as kindly but as firmly as possible.


Do not mention your parents. That is an issue you have with them and is not something that he should have to deal with. It would leave the impression that you would still be with him if not for them and that is not the case.

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