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what should i say to her???

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You have already told her how much you like her. In fact, you told her how much you love her, which scared her away as she doesn't seem very interested in you, plus it's kinda creapy. Now she probably feels bad about ignoring you and stuff when you told her you loved her and tries to make it up to you somehow to clear her guilty conscience by being friendly to you.




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You have already told her how much you like her. In fact, you told her how much you love her, which scared her away as she doesn't seem very interested in you, plus it's kinda creapy. Now she probably feels bad about ignoring you and stuff when you told her you loved her and tries to make it up to you somehow to clear her guilty conscience by being friendly to you.





Hi there,


Read your last thread about this - I agree with considerate empath, she's not interested. She's being nice - but you tried really hard with her, and she's not into you. Any other cute girls on the course? You need to forget about this one, sorry.

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Yes, I know i've told her and freaked her out..

I had no idea what the hell i was doing at the time..

Anyway, now that she's tryin to be nice or whatever... what do i say then??

"Hi, I'm over u, Bye""



I really neeed to know as in what to say to her if she tries to talk to me..

And 2day after school, i wasnt looking and when i turned around, saw her turn quickly in the other direction.. she was first walking towards me..

i'm tryin to say she is definitely truyin to say sumthin..



So, how do i respond..

I dont want to turn her away completely but still tell her that we dont have to be enemies (ie. ignoring each other and stuff..)

thanx.. lol..

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I wouldn't say anything - I would just be friendly and nice, but detached. I wouldn't raise the whole issue again, your manner will show that you think she's a nice girl and a friend, but nothing more. If she brings the subject up, fine, but take your cue from her, don't drag it up.


I think it will be fine - if you're relaxed and friendly, but chilled out, and nothing more, she'll relax around you again.

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I think it will be fine - if you're relaxed and friendly, but chilled out, and nothing more, she'll relax around you again.



Ok, so i tried that, u know get a smile accross.. but now she is kinda ignnoring me .... i mean, whenever i look at her she is always looking the other way..


We even have a class together and it is getting awkward..

I keep getting the feeling that she thinks I'm like a stalker or sumthin and am tryin to "steal" her- if thats the right word..

I dont really care anymore bout getting together but like honey pumpkin said, i just wannt her to be relaxed and not tryin to keep a distance.....


And i know that she would also want things to be friendly again.. its just that i have to make the first move..

And i wont mention the past or anything..

but any tips on how to get her to say sumthing.. or how I can start a conversation..

cuz we only have one class together a week and break times we're in the same place but she's always with her friends and its impossible to ask her to come for a talk with me or sumthin...

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Hi there,


I don't think you need to do anything at all. Start small and low-key - smile at her and say hello, and leave it at that. Don't fret about what she does, keep doing that low-key, friendly acknowledgement, without trying to start any conversation about issues. Let you both relax and calm down in each other's company. Take it slowly and be relaxed and chilled out, and she'll be less tense around you. You'll be less tense around her. Any other cute girls you fancy? I've always found that the easiest way to be relaxed around men is to be really into someone else - then I genuinely am just friendly and not really interested!


Good luck.

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I don’t get it.. I am trying to say a hi or sumthing but she is sooo avoiding eye contact…

I’d be happier with NC if it weren’t for running into her a couple of times EVERY DAY!!


She's just acting like i am not there..


I dont know how long i can go on like this..

I just wanna let her know we can be like b4 again - or anything..


i dunno - should i try to find her alone an then talk or just leave it - though that is really hard to do..

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try and find her alone...that's weird...look, she knows how u feel, you know she's not into u, u know anything u do just freaks her out so - if u really like her, just leave her alone and get on with your life...what is the point of wanting her to recognize u anyways...if u both ever get to a place where u can actually talk [heaven forbid] that's great - if not, what's the big deal. she's just not into u in any way buddy. get it.

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try and find her alone...that's weird....



my bad.. i didnt say it clearly..

i meant tht i'll try to talk to her when she isnt surrounded by tons of people cuz its hard to find her by herself..


but yeah.. anyway, i know she doesnt care and don want her now....

i am trying to move on but its hard to cum everyday to skool and go to classes with her or c her every freakin day soo close and yet not being able to talk.. knowing she is avoiding me..


I could ignore her as well but any1 who has been in this situation knows how hard it is to act like nothing happenned..


dunno whatt to do..

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i am sooo confused..

in skool in front of everyone she ignores me and then after skool 2day i heard her telling her friend to meeet her outside the gates and she'll go alone there..

and the she tried to talk to me but it was the worst of times..

my bro came and i had to hide from her cuz its complicated but i CANNOT in any way let my bro see me talking to her...


and NOW, she probably thinkss i dont want to talk to her...


oh god, y that time..

anyway tomorrow hopeful;l;y, i will get sum courage to sayy sumting..

cuz i'm definate tht she told her friend to let her go alone and meet her later... and then she followed me outside but exactly at the time my bro came..


sh*t g2g..

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Just an advice: If you want things to go back to the way they were before you told her, you should let her start the conversation with you and not the other way around, and then when the two of you are more comfortable around eachother, you can start some conversations then if you want.


Remember, you are both aiming for the same basket, but she's got the ball. (Sorry if that didn't make sense )




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I say this with no offense or malice intended, but from all that I've read in this thread....


This girl has zero interest in you, and from the looks of things, if you continue tormenting yourself, life will dwindle before your eyes in misery.


You love her? You have barely spoken to her, and probably know nothing of her as a person. Observation is fine, but getting to know someone involves speaking indepthly to some degree.


Let this one go mate. The harder you push, the more frightened and uncomfortable you will make her.

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Just an advice: If you want things to go back to the way they were before you told her, you should let her start the conversation with you and not the other way around, and then when the two of you are more comfortable around eachother, you can start some conversations then if you want.


Remember, you are both aiming for the same basket, but she's got the ball. (Sorry if that didn't make sense )





I know i have to wait for her to statrt a conversation but i am not exactly helping her do it by sitting around..

Like i said in my last post, she tried to talk yesterday after school but i couldnt help what happenned..


And "both aiming for the same basket" makes sense but she's taking too long..

but i am going to wait and not try to start a conversation myself though i will do my best to giv her good time and place..


I 've sort of let go of her over the summer but obviously it'll take time to fully get over it..


Anywayz, thanx guys for all the help

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