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My ex is back and your going to be in trouble..Hey Na Hey NA

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My ex who dumped me for another guy last March has recently been calling me with a different tone in her voice. Her tone went from cold and uncaring to a tone of caring about whats going on with my life. Since our break up I moved to a new apartment. The other night around 11:00PM she calls and says she is coming over from her friends house. The drive was out of the way for her. When she got there she told me she was proud of me and the new place I got. I have also been working out hard and have packed on some muscle which she also complimented. But she insists that she still loves me while she talks about other guys she is seeing even though its hard. What do you thing her deal is with the attitude change? Any advice is appreciated.

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I think that she might be jealous of you moving on smoothly. Getting a new apartment, nicer body. Just because she talks about other guys doesn't mean she is happy. Or maybe she just wants to be your friend. Or maybe she just wants to be your girlfriend.


I don't think I helped one bit, just confused you more. Just telling you some possibilities.


Good Luck Though!

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dont bother with this chick......shes realizing the grass wasnt greener on the other side. she left you once for something she thought was "better".

dont buy into her "i love you" crap. if she really loved you she wouldnt have dumped you for this other guy. save yourself some grief.

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Hey na hey na, the Ex is wack!



This is what I feel and usually I am not too far off of the wagon. This women let you go, so she could do her thing, and did not expect you to 1. get finer, 2. Get over it, or atleast appear over it 3. Have a nice pad and do well for yourself. She must have thought that you would not survive with out her. If You want her back, but dont' want her to hurt you, do not give in too easily. I mean I would certainly not give in quickly. I would also tell her that I too am seeing others, and have enjoyed others company. See how that will turn her butt around like a guy looking at big boobs!

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