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A Lonely 22 year old college student

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I go to a community college in Grand Rapids Michigan. The student atmosphere there is horrible. The people there don't want to get to know me. I have no friends to hang out with and to talk to. Not only that I have no girlfriend. I've been single for a long long time. I know that God can hear me when I pray about my situation. I volunteer at a couple ministries, I star in 2 TV shows, I work part time, I'm involved in my church on 4 praise bands and I usher, I'm in my final year in school majoring in Video and Multimedia, and I adore my family. I read the bible every day. People are treating me horrible. Everywhere I go they look at me like I'm not there. They just pass me by. What can I do? I'm just going through a rough situation. Nobody wants to hang out with me or talk to me. No girl wants to date me either.

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I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Last year, I started my freshman year at Michigan State and my experience couldn't have been any worse. They put me in a dorm with 3 sophomores who were best friends and hated the fact that they had another person with them, and I'm shy so I didn't meet anyone. I have never been as depressed as I was then. It got to the point where I would just sit in my dorm room all day and night. I wouldn't go to class, I wouldnt go to the caf to eat. Everytime I met a guy who I thought had serious potential, it would turn out that he was just another * * * * * * * frat boy who just was in it for the chase. I wound up dropping out. Come next semester, Im going to try my luck at Grand Valley, where I KNOW i have at least one true friend. I don't know what to tell you, honestly. Just know that you're not alone in this issue. It hurts really bad, I know that. If you just want someone to talk to, email removed is my MSN and JenniferGrace110 is my AIM

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