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Well.. just wondering if I could get a woman's point of view on this (or guys)

Me and my ex broke up about 8 months ago .. but up until 2 weeks ago .. we were talking on/off. We would go a month, talking all the time, then 3 weeks without any contact.

It was a mutual breakup .. but now its more her then I.

I would like to get back together with her .. and she knows this.

So, with that said .. 12 days ago .. We talked and I realized I could not do the roller coaster thing no more. I told her this and decided it would be best if I cut things off with her.

When I left, I wrote a little note and included the line

"If you love something, let it go .. if it comes back, its meant to be"


So, with that said .. I know I can't call her, cause that would make my point useless.

But of course, i'm wondering, will she ever call?



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(("If you love something, let it go .. if it comes back, its meant to be" ))


So basicaly your expecting her to call after you told her how you felt and on some level gave her the utlimadum to get it together and you are done if she doesnt?


I cant tell you if she will call or not, but I am sure you expected her to on some level.


What are you going to do if she does call?


What are you going to do if she doesnt?

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Well, Yeah .. I had to tell her to get it together. I was living this roller coaster life, where I would talk to her during the week, then on the weekend, I was unable to do anything with her.

I'm 25, she's 24.

Basically, I did not want to stress out no more...and so, I figured it would be best, if I cut off contact. She can't realize what she had, if I'm always there.

If she calls, I dont know what I'll do.

The point of my question was ... is she thinking about us at all? and would she eventually call some day.

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I am going through the same thing and lets just say its been 35 days since i called her and its been a month today since we have spoke. But I will say over the last two weeks she has been on line ALOT. I never seen her on since we broke up and she moved on to another, had the other before she ended our 6year relationship. I been reading a lot of these post and It seems like it takes a few months for them to actually call. Just keep busy, work out, take care of your self and dont sit by the phone and what ever you do, do not call her, email her, nothing. I know my ex is stuborn and the last time we broke up she told me that if i did not call her she would of never called me. But I realized that this will continue to happen if i keep allowing it to happen. Seems to be her summer routine. so what i have been doing after reading the art of war is to make it less intimidating for her to contact me. I been going on line various times and for a short period of time so she sees me and i am hoping she will eventually instant message me. I cant instant message her because, then she will be in the driver seat. The dumper has to be the one to come to the dumped if not then u look like you are chasing. So now i am being a bullboard, i have been doing this since monday. Before this i was a ghost and just watched her under a different name to determine a pattern of when she was on. I also in the last few weeks have been getting a lot of out of area calls and when i pick up they hang up. I often get then about one minute after she signs off line. Sometimes you just have to bait the hook. There is an e-book called to save a relationship when your the only one who wants too. It has helped me alot through this three month period.

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  • 2 weeks later...

See my quote below...just because something comes back, doesn't mean it's ready to...


If it does, take it slow, don't rush into each other's arms...take baby steps and communicate...if they can't communicate or feel comfortable figuring out what went wrong in the first place so you can avoid the same pitfall again...then they don't want it bad enough and it's better to just let them go for good this time...

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