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questions about losing weight

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To remain in good health,


You should try to lose NO MORE than 1-2lbs/wk,


Otherwise, you can lead to physiological problems within your body,


And end up heading towards a yo-yo diet,


Which means you will regain the weight as soon as you leave this diet,


Eat a combination of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels.


For best results, eat six times a day.


Tip 1: Eat six meals a day


If you’ve been following the typical nutritional advice of cutting back on calories and consuming no more than “three square meals” a day in the hope of shifting your fat-burning efforts into high gear, you may actually be throwing the whole process into reverse. According to scientists at Georgia State University, active folks who skimp on calories and eat infrequently (only three times a day) may be training their bodies to get by on less energy and thereforeeee more readily storing unburned calories as bodyfat. Instead, these researchers and many others advise active people to eat frequently (about every three hours) to accelerate metabolism and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. We have provided you with a sample seven day meal plan for you to look at.



Tip 2: Combine carbohydrates and protein at every meal


The simple fact is, our bodies work better with a balance of carbohydrates and protein. Not only is protein essential for building healthy muscle and maintaining a strong immune system, it stabilizes insulin levels, which leads to steady energy throughout the day. One more benefit: eating protein has been shown to reduce your appetite. So, avoid high-carbohydrate nutrition plans and instead balance your protein and carbohydrate intake.



Tip 3: Choose “appropriate” portion sizes


USDA statistics show that because of increased portion sizes, the average total daily calorie intake has risen from 1,854 calories to 2,002 calories over the last 20 years. That increase—148 calories per day—theoretically works out to an extra 15 lbs. every year. Portion size is important to weight management. Employ a common sense approach, such as using the palm of your hand or your clenched fist for gauging the portion sizes of food.



Tip 4: Plan meals ahead of time


You may even want to try different recipes and decide what works for you before you begin your training program. Experiment with different seasonings, try a variety of vegetables, and find which microwave settings work best for preheating food. By the time you’re ready to start, you’ll have the supplies you need and the confidence that you know what you’re doing. Then, fix your meals in advance and freeze them. It’s important to shop at least once a week. If you forget, you’ll run out of good food and be tempted to cheat on your diet.


Good luck,




P.S. If you have any questions along the way about this, please PM me. I lost 40lbs in the last 6months or so.

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It's bloody dangerous to lose that much weight in a month unless you're very big.


Okay, cut out anything that's white. No white bread, white rice, spagetti or pototoes (including roast, fries etc, none at all). As a rule of thumb if it's white it's bad. It's been processed and had the goodness taken out.


Cut your sugar intake, when you snack have something that's high in fibre, the body doesn't use the fibre and it will slow your glucose down, leaving you feeling full even when you aren't for the time it takes the body to kick out the fibre.


Good things to eat are Chicken (grilled not fried), as much fruit and veg as you can eat, remember to include citrus fruits as well, this will help the fibre process, swap crisps and chocolates for low fat snacks such as rice cakes etc. When I get hungry I just eat high fibre cereals because they aren't fattening and the milk (not full fat) is good for you too.


You know what's good and bad for you so eat healthy. You may not achieve your goal but in my eyes one month is NOT realistic. A gradual process is better.


Last notes, drink water, absolutely SHEDLOADS of water and do NOT drink tea or coffee.

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- Make sure you eat breakfast

- Don't eat while doing other things, you'll be more tempted to overeat (I know I'm guilty of munching late at night as I browse ENA...)

- Think of sneaky ways to cut down on calories in your everyday meals. I was upset when I ordered a salad and they didn't give me dressing by accident...but decided that it was good, less calories that way!

- As the previous posters said, WATER. It's magic, really is. Oftentimes hunger is mistaken for thirst, so all you really have to do is have a glass of water to get the satisfaction with no calories!

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all of the above advice is excellent. however, you have to make conscious decisions about your lifestyle to really make a significant difference in your life. i know people that go on a diet every couple of months to lose weight, i don't really see that being very healthy for your body or for you in general. you have to see what changes you can make to your eating habits for the rest of your life and stick to those to make any long-term impact that you will be happy with.


an example of this is liquids. when i was a kid growing up, i was spoiled by sodas, juices and pretty much never drank water (so tasteless!). now that i'm older, the only liquids i drink are water and fat free milk. people tell me that i'm so "boring" because i always order water when i go out w/ my friends. that's a lifestyle choice i'm perfectly comfortable with and i don't feel like i'm making any sacrifices to do it. so find what you are comfortable with and try to make life commitments.

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A word of caution here: Watch your heart, the organ, to make sure it is healthy. When people lose weight the walls of their heart can become thinner than before. If something doesn't feel right in that area have a doctor check it out. This something my friend who is a nurse told me and my group of friends when one of them wanted to lose weight.

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It absolutely IS possible, and 10lbs per month is an acceptable rate of loss unless you have less than say 20lbs to lose total then it might come a little slower. Check out some low carb resources. I low carb and get to eat a LOT (about 2000 to 3000 calories per day, in several small meals of course) and lose about 3lbs or so per week. I have about 60lbs more to lose (have already lost 20).


Edited to add: It certainly isn't dangerous to lose 10lbs per month, and VERY large people (over say 300lbs) can safely lose in the 20lb per month range. In fact, the human body can SAFELY (as in without long-term health concerns) lose between 0.5lb and 1lb per day on a properly done water fast. So what this poster wants to do is VERY reasonable and can be accomplished on a properly structured low carb diet that includes plenty of veggies.

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