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to be blunt: masturbation (gonna need a female perspective)

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I am not a virgin and when I masterbate it is pretty much just clitoral stimulation, but sometimes I insert a finger or two right when I climax because I found it heightens it...for me. Not everyone's cup of tea though I guess.


I found it was very hard to give myself an orgasm from penetration, unless I was using a toy. Otherwise I stick to clitoral, since it is most satisfying and way easier.


Don't stress, just do what feels good.

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Although I'm a male, I have on gender neutral contribution to make to this thread. The quality of the masturbation experience is not contingent on technique of masturbation but on the thought-premise of the masturbation itself. Right techniques follow when the thought-goals are correct. You have to have the corrects thoughts to do that properly. Just food for thought, hope someone else follows on that type of thought to explain it with a female perspective. But when I masturbate about a girl I care about or talked to then it's 100 times better than if it's with a loose casual girl or * * * * * in my mind, although it's harder to construct a thought premise on the former it's well worth it.


It's cool to see that women like masturbating too. I wonder how a relationship would work if both parties masturbated on each other instead of having sex but that sounds gross.

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LOL, Luke..... wouldn't masturbating on each other be considered sex???


Hello Igo--- don't be embarrased about asking your questions here, we aren't a judging group, and every single one of us will admit to masturbating at some point in our lives; successfully AND unsuccessfully...lol


If you weren't aware, there is a large percentage of women who do not, cannot, or have never and never will be able to orgasm through penetration. Wonderful as contact with their partner may feel, it just isn't there for them and they climax only through clitoral stimulation.


I DO happen to be one of the portion that climaxes through penetration, but have never been able to do so for myself. IE, I have to have my partner do it for me. Fingers or other appendage, I think it has something to do with the level of arousal, and the fact that the average mans hand is 3X larger than mine...lol


Just relax. If you want to insert a finger, two fingers, or a clean carrot (joke), just be gentle, follow your bodys rythms and you will find your sweet spot. Technically if you can lay back, relax, and reach down, you can insert your middle finger into the vagina palm downward and curl the finger towards you. You will probably feel a more dense, harder area. Press and release gently, or stroke it with the tip of your finger and see if that does anything for you. Generally that is where the female G spot is, but not everyone is the same.


Hope that helps, and if you have other questions and are too embarrased, for one, don't be, and for two, pm any one of us. We don't mind.

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Just relax. If you want to insert a finger, two fingers, or a clean carrot (joke), just be gentle, follow your bodys rythms and you will find your sweet spot. Technically if you can lay back, relax, and reach down, you can insert your middle finger into the vagina palm downward and curl the finger towards you. You will probably feel a more dense, harder area. Press and release gently, or stroke it with the tip of your finger and see if that does anything for you. Generally that is where the female G spot is, but not everyone is the same.



Interesting, I always thought the clitoreous was the female G spot, so there are two sexual spots within the female anatomy.


So, there are two sexual stimulatory spots as opposed to one. Interesting.

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Well, the G spot is the female penetration fun zone... the clit is the outside fun button...


Some people debate whether or not the female G spot exists, but that is crap.. Some women don't have one, most women can't find theirs or make it work, but I can testify in court that if you do find it, and treat it properly, it will sing for you...



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here's a bit more on that crazy g-spot... not that i'm trying to sell toys, but this site has some good info on mastubation in general in thier sexual health info:


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i would say that just keep exploring and doing what feels good. masturbation in women is probably mostly clitoral stimulation just because penatrative stimulation does take a lot more work and involves the g-spot, etc.


even at my age, i've been able to learn a lot from various other forums and from good websites that talk about these issues. oh where was this info when I was 20!?!?!!

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For me the fingers inside don't do anything unless they are pushing up against the pelvic bone (at least I think it's the pelvic bone)...basically I stick them up and curve them upward and press on the hard bone right there - I know it sounds weird but that's the only pleasurable way for me...otherwise I could care less what's in there - I have to have the sense of pressure and that's what does it for me

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For me the fingers inside don't do anything unless they are pushing up against the pelvic bone (at least I think it's the pelvic bone)...basically I stick them up and curve them upward and press on the hard bone right there - I know it sounds weird but that's the only pleasurable way for me...otherwise I could care less what's in there - I have to have the sense of pressure and that's what does it for me


That's where the G Spot is.

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