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Close friend making friends with old enemy.

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I've just started college. Apart from this one issue its fine, which is a welcome surprise.

My closest friend is now making friends with this guy that took the p*** out of me constantly two years ago. I dont know if she knows, but it really botheres me. At the time I was weak and low, and literally was afraid of him. I hate that she's friends with him. But I dont really want to say anything to her, it was ages ago, and I worry she'll bring it up with him.

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See that's the problem. Sometimes you might want to give someone a heads up about something, but they take that info and do exactly what you don't want, which is to bring it up to him.


I vote don't say anything, but try actively to avoid being around the two of them at the same time. If she invites you out, ask who all's going. Maybe try to find out what his work schedule is somehow, so you'll have a better idea of how to avoid him.

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Thats currently what I'm doing, but I know I can't keep it up for 2 years. They are on the same course and a group of around 10 of them hang round at lunch, so avoiding him means not seeing her at lunch. Though I'm not that sure if that would be so bad.. yesterday I couldn't find anyone I knew at first, and I ran into her getting lunch. I explained and she said '...You can hang round with us' in a very unenthuiastic tone, without looking at me. I made an excuse about having to see my tutor, and went. I did run into someone else I knew (Thank God), but was still hurt. During school we were attached at the hip, we've been on holiday together, and she often says I'm her best friend. I again dont want to confront her, I know it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but we've been close for years.

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Yeah this sucks for you. Seems like you're doing the best you can. Either way you lose. If you tell her about him, she may not believe you, she may tell him what you said, etc. If you don't tell and continue avoiding him, then you lose out on time with your friends. Maybe make new friends. Can you tell her at some point, that what'shisname kind of gives you the creeps, and leave it at that without having to go into why. Who knows if she keeps hanging out with him, she'll see his true colors eventually.

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