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masterbation because of depression

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Hi, I am an 18 year old girl who is masterbating at least once per day, and mostly 2-3-4 times per day. I think I might be suffering from depression and that's why I do it. I do it especially when I am sad, depressed, or angry. I even do it when I cry and sometimes I am not even in the mood. I have been masterbating since I was 14 years old and have masterbated alot then, but not compared to this past year. I even replaced the simple enjoyments of the outside life with excessive masterbation. What should I do?

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Excessive masturbation is not your problem. Depression is. I think you should seek help for depression. Get professional help if you can, learn about it by interacting with others in person or online, or read as much as you possibly can on the subject. If you are short on funds, search the internet ferociously. You will eventually run into something that helps. Aso, use the public library. It has saved me a ton. Use your intuition. If advice sounds like it might possibly work, follow it. If it sounds useless, blow it off but don't forget it.


It's better to have your problem than to resort to excessive drinking/drugs as a way of coping. Still, get that depression treated!

Good luck.

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There is nothing wrong with masterbation, unless you do it from morning to night nonstop. Masterbation relieves you from tension and stress so if you are depressed, that is why you do it. So as Baffler Meal said, masterbation is not your problem, depression is.


Try to find help and maybe medication for your depression will help. I dont know if talking to a psychologist helps, but maybe you can talk about your problems, even if they sound strange, and weird. But it may help.


I have anxiety/depression, and the only thing that is stopping me from taking medication is that Im not that severe. Its just really mild. But I do try to help it.


Ill PM you, and ill let you know how you might be able to help yourself, like Im doing to myself. I have gotten alot better with my anxiety.



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  • 3 years later...

Wow, this is the first time I've seen this issue. When I used to get depressed I found that I masterbated a lot, as said b4 this seems to relieve tension and stress. i sometimes think that stresses put on us by others around us leads us to do this otherwise we become too enveloped in otehrs problems we find that this helps us.


i am in the stage now where i have got to the head of the depression, let it get to me and destroy parts of my life and am now seeking to get away from it.


My depression seemed to be brought on by spending 9 hours a day sat next to a manic depressant or this seemed to have caused it. I blame myself for masterbating but I suppose masterbation is brought on by feeling alone?


If you are honest about beng depressed, unless you are around depressed people, others will really make an effort to help you!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow! I know that I've had a similar issue in the past. I went out and purchased a vibrator. I wanted make myself comfortable with sex again (after rape).


I masturbated with a vibrator maybe, 10months afterwards (the rape). It was hard.

I was suffering from depression at the time.


Do you have any idea why you're masterbating when you don't really feel like it???


My parents were out of town and I only masterbated off and on for about 2 weeks. And just like you it was like I was forcing myself to do it.It was horrible. I wasn't in the mood at all.


You know, I was afraid that if I couldn't make myself be comfortable with sex then I would never be comfortable with it.


I would suggest you find something to replace masturbating.


Maybe you're afraid of something. You don't have to masterbate or feel pressured by any circumstances to do so.


I felt much happier once I convienced myself that I didn't have to do anything that i didn't want to.


Maybe you feel like you deserve to be punished for something. It seems like you're using masterbation to release frustration or inflict pain.


Have you sought treatment for your depression? Do you know why you might be depressed.


Hang in there, k.


I know it can be hard. I'm not an expert with masturbation ( I masturbated for the first time when I was 21yrs. old and have only done it was every blue moon since then).

I really wish I could help you though.


It'll be okay. I mean there must be some reason why you feel you must masturbate even when you're not feeling like it.

Do you feel you're overcoming a fear you have by forcing yourself to do it?


I know it's hard, I suggest just relaxing. Lying down and having a good cry if you need to. Anything but masturbating. I would suggest you try to go without masturbating for at least a week.



Lots of hugs for you*



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While there is nothing wrong with masturbation, when it replaces any and all outside activities it may be a problem.


Perhaps you do it so much because you are feeling depressed, it's a solitary actvity that doesn't require outside interaction, and it feels good and ca lft your spirits with the release of endorphins.


Have you sought therapy for your depression? Are you taking any medications for it?

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